Sakura's cooking skills

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Syaoran x Terrible cooking Sakura


Syaoran looked up from his reading when he heard something loud from the kitchen. Then the sound was followed by another one, and another, and then there was the sound of something breaking.

"Oh no!" he heard his girlfriend Sakura gasp. Deciding to see if she was alright and did not hurt herself(again), he stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen.

"Saku what are you----What the heck?"

The kitchen was trashed, It looked like a tornado blew up there.

A few plates lay shattered on the floor, vegetables scattered everywhere, there was the strong smell of something burning---wait, burning?!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" Sakura kept repeating in despair as the smoke detectors detected the smoke coming from the oven(she forgot about the turkey!) and five seconds later the teenagers stood rooted on the spot as water was sprayed above them, soaking them to the bone.

It wasn't just the kitchen either, because Syaoran had recently just installed more smoke detectors all over the house. So, five more seconds later the entire house looked like a storm hit the inside.

"Sakura!" Syaoran groaned when the sprinklers stopped atlast. He looked disaprovingly at his girlfriend who was shivering and sneezing.

"Sorry Syao" she apologised sheepishly.

Syaoran rubbed the bridge of his nose. For god's sake not again!

**Flashback yesterday

Syaoran woke up when he smelt something burning. Forcing himself off the comfortable bed(also noticing his girlfriend wasn't in bed with him) the teen went downstairs to the kitchen and saw the cause of the smell.

Sakura was panicking and fanning the flaming pan with a towel. Syaoran deduced she wanted to make breakfast herself rather then wake him up. Silly girl, she can't cook to save her life.

The towel will catch fire in three...two...

"Ahhh!!!" Sakura screamed when the towel suddenly bursted into flames. She threw the towel into the air and it caught the end of the curtains and then--

"AHHH!" Sakura screamed when the curtains were lit aflames.

"Ahem" Syaoran cleared his throat atlast.

The girl spun around to see her boyfriend. "Syao! Pack your bags honey we're ordering take out!" the girl ran pass her boyfriend, most probably going to collecy those precious cards of hers.

Groaning Syaoran went to look for their fire extinguisher.

**Flashback the day before that


"What is it Sakura?" the brunette looked up from his textbooks to see his lovely girlfriend with a sheepish look.

"Err....I think I broke the oven" she admitted. Syaoran frowned. "Odd, how can you easily break the oven? We just bought that. Let me see"

Sakura led him to the kitchen and pointed at the oven. "It won't work. The knobs won't switch and the door won't open"

Syaoran, confused, switched the oven ON and opened the door. It was working fine.

"Saku. The oven's fine. You just don't know how to use this don't you?"

Blushing in embarrassment, the girl shook her head. Syaoran sighed and patted her head. "Leave the kitchen to me babe, you're better off doing the laundry, washing the plates, or cleaning the rooms. But my kitchen is off limits"

**Flashbacks ends....

He should have known she wouldn't listen to him and kept sneaking in anyway.

Now here they are, silently working on cleaning the mess she made. He could tell she was feeling realy guilty, the depressed look on her face said so.

"Do you realy want to learn how to cook Saku?" He decided to break the ice first. Sakura raised her head and looked at her boyfriend in surprise. He looked realy calm. Why isn't he mad at her? Shouldn't he be yelling at her for making a mess in his kitchen again?

"Sakura?" Syaoran snapped his fingers.

Sakura continued sweeping. "Um, yes. I'm sorry Syaoran, I'm such a pain I promise this will never---"

He silenced her with a kiss. It lasted just a few seconds, shot but sweet. "Alright fine. You're so persistent and stubborn. I'll teach you how to cook, this way we can avoid anymore accidents" he chuckles at her flushed embarrassed face.

Sakura smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Sorry about that" she sheepishly apologised, giggling. Syaoran nodded. "But first, promise me this. That you're not gonna cook on your own without me supervising you....until I say you're qualified?"

Sakura pouted. "Sounds fair"

Ruffling her hair he pecked her nose. "You're so cute whenever you make that face. Love ya Saku"

"I love you too Syao, thanks for putting up with a klutz like me"

Syaoran snickered in amusement. "You may be a klutz, but you're mine anyway"

Syaoran x Sakura One Shots(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now