Pick up lines....❤💖

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Syaoran:Hey Sakura?
Sakura: Yes Syaoran-kun?
Syaoran: I thought Happiness starts with 'H'?
Sakura: **Confused**
Syaoran: Why does mine starts with 'U'
Sakura: **Blushing**


Syaoran: Sakura....
Sakura: What is it Syaoran-kun?
Syaoran: **Serious** you're not a camera
Sakura:**Weirded out** um yes Syaoran-kun I know that....
Syaoran: **Blushingly smilling**But why is it everytime I see you I smile?


Syaoran: Sakura do you have a band-Aid?
Sakura: **Worried** n-no why? What happened?
Syaoran: You happened
Sakura: W-what?
Syaoran: Because I just scraped my knee falling for you


Syaoran: **Jogging with Sakura** Sakura tie your shoelace!
Sakura: **Looks at her shoes** But they're perfecrly tie--
Syaoran: Because I don't want you falling for someone else


Syaoran: Are you from Mars?
Sakura: N--
Syaoran: Because you are out if this world
Sakura: **Smiles and blushes**


Syaoran: Are you a card captor heroine?
Sakura: I think so?
Syaoran: Well good, because if my heart was a card, then you've captured it
Sakura: Syaoran.....


Syaoran: Do you have a map?
Sakura: Should I still answer to that Syaoran?
Syaoran: I got lost in your eyes
Sakura: **Due to the fact she's been showered by pick up lines from Syaoran all weak she fainted because her heart beated too fast and that last pick up line hit the button of 'too much happiness' ***

Syaoran: Sakura...If I bit my lip, will you kiss it better?


Syaoran: Help something's wrong with my eyes!
Sakura: Oh no! Syoaran what's wrong?
Syaoran: I just can't take them off of you
Sakura: **blushing cherry red** Syaoran...

**Behind them Touya can be seen getting tackled to the ground and restrained my Nakuru, Yukito/Yue and Tomoyo**


Syaoran: **Passes Sakura in the hallway**Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
Eriol: It is hardly considered love at first sight might I point out, because you've known Sakura-chan for years, and when you first saw her a few years back you were glaring at her. Harshly.
Tomoyo: that was on episode 8 I think in the original Cardcaptor Sakura
Syaoran: Tch, way to ruin my pick up line


**After a month of Syaoran giving pick up lines to Sakura, making her feel flustered, fuzzy, flattered, and blush a hundred times, also pissing off a very protective bug brother Touya, Sakura decides to payback Syaoran for everything. It is only fair right? She can't leave Syaoran doing all the work and making her feel loved. She loves him afterall and besides, she knows a couple of  pick up lines too, all reserved for her Syaoran**

Sakura: Syaoran-kun?
Syaoran: Yup?
Sakura: Let us play a game!
Syaoran: Sure what game?
Sakura: Just not hide and seek....because a boy like you is hard to find
Syaoran: **Smiles**


Sakura: Can...you control time Syaoran-kun?
Syaoran: Why?
Sakura: **Blushing shyly and looks up at him** Because whenever I see you...t-time stops!
Syaoran: **Blushing**
Kero-chan: You two have literaly the cheesiest pick up lines I've ever heard
Tomoyo: But they are so adorable! Look at them! It is evidenr in their eyed they are inlove!
Eriol: I wonder how her brother feels about this?
**somewhere in the corner Touya is brooding and is letting off a dark aura everyone backed off and sweatdropped**
Nakuru: my poor love....**Turns to Eriol**does THAT answer your question about how my Touya feels?
Yue: **Smilling** he isn't....yours....


Syaoran: If being beautiful is a crime **faces Sakura** you'd be guilty as charged
Kero-chan: He's running out of ideas isn't he?


Sakura: you spend so much time in my mind, I wanna charge you rent!
Tomoyo: She's running out of ideas too it appears


Syaoran: We're not socks but I think we'd make a pretty good pair


Sakura: If you were a transplant surgeon, Syaoran I'd give you my heart
Meiling: You already did in the second Cardcaptor Sakura movie!


Syaoran: Are you Google? Because you have everything I am searching for


Syaoran: If I were a stop light, I'd turn red everytime I see you, just so I could stare at you longer
Tomoyo: Oh if only she knew you used to literaly go red whenever you see Sakura


Sakura: I'll stop loving you when Touya wears a pink ballerina outfit and twirls outside the house
Syaoran: Which is...never?
Sakura: **Kissing Syaoran's cheeks** never. Also, I think we've done enough pick up lines for today, I've lost ideas and so have you...also***Motions at Touya brooding in a corner***I think Touya can't bear this any longer
Syaoran:, One last one: Roses are red violets are blue, I won't let anything come between....me and you
Sakura: **Blushing** Syaoran......

A/N: Some of these pick up lines aren't mine, I read some of these pick up lines from a book about pick up lines(and they totaly worked! Hehe I should know cuz I tried them!) aaaand I apologise if some of my originals are a bit...cheesey hehe

Syaoran x Sakura One Shots(COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt