Start from the beginning

"NO! I'M TIRED ALREADY! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" Jisoo yelled, as transparent liquid fell from her glistening eyes, little by little. One by one.

He was taken aback because he has never seen Jisoo cry, and he can't believe that he was the reason why she was like his. He let go of the tight grip of Jisoo's wrist that started to have a bruise. This pained him alot. But all he cares for now, is to win that woman's heart. He has to. He needs to.

"P-please, kook. I can't h-help you." Jisoo cried as the male felt that his heart broke into a bazillion shattered pieces.

"Why Jisoo? Why?!" Jungkook can't help himself as unknowingly, a tear fell down his cheek.

"First tell me, why? Why can't you help me with her anymore?" The desperate male yelled as he slam his fist into the door, making the poor female flinch.

"Tell me Jisoo! TELL ME!" Jungkook clenched his fist as he waited for Jisoo's response.

"Because..." She tried to stop herself from saying it, but she just want to let it all out.

"Because what?!"

Jisoo took a deep breath, before finally saying the words that she wants to tell him from the very first start.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" Jisoo said, she was in the verge of tears now. She took a deep breath and continued.

"I freaking love you! Now, are you happy?" Jisoo bitterly smiled at him, chuckling at the typical cold stare of him.

Jungkook was speechless. He had never expected that his bestfriend, his own bestfriend confessed to him!

"I'm always hurt, seeing you smile because of her. Seeing you love her. Seeing you do everything for her. But even your bestfriend. Your own bestfriend! You can't even appreciate any of my efforts.." Jisoo paused, looking at the reaction of Jungkook, but his eyes were blank. She sighed.

"Call me a bad bestfriend. Call me a stupid person. Call me a selfish girl. But all I want, is to see you acknowledge everything I did for you." Jisoo's voice faltered gradually.


"Shush, kook. I'm sorry." The female placed her quivering index finger parallel to the lips of the male, hushing him rapidly. She has to let everything out now. She did not want to waste another single second of gold for her to blurt out everything she wanted to say. It was, time. This was it.

"But I'm always happy to see you smile. To see you laugh. To see you fall in love. Even though I'm not the reason behind all that." She smiled, but the pain ascending, and growing stronger, was evident in her eyes.

"Though I never regretted meeting you. I never regretted every single second and minute I'm with you. I never regretted seeing you laugh, smile, fall in love because of her. Because seeing you happy, was enough for me." She smiled at him, as she bitterly chuckled at every single word she was saying.

"Jisoo, I-"

"You are my light in the darkness. You are my reason behind all laughs, smiles, and the feeling of euphoria. You are the reason why I keep moving forward. You completed my empty world. And most importantly, you filled that empty space in my heart. I wouldn't be here without you." Jisoo cackled out a small smile-a smile masking everything she was feeling. Avoiding the sympathetic stare Jungkook was giving her, she looked up to him, with her orbs reflecting the visible pain.

And slowly, beneath her bosom, the pounding sensation was replaced with a shrill noise-it wasn't literal, but she heard it crack into bazillion shattered pieces, little by little. One by one.

"I thank you for everything. I know you'll never love me back, but, I want you to know that I.." She paused, taking a deep breath gradually.

"...That I love you so so much." It was the final straw-after an interval of the days she has to endure all the pain she has been going through and was intoxicating her, she finally stated it out-words that holds such a significant, deep meaning to her. She has finally let out the simple sentence she has been meaning to tell him from the very first start.

"I guess this is, goodbye." Jisoo sighed as she slowly headed towards the door. But before taking her leave, Jungkook held her hand softly, not wanting to let go.

"Jisoo, I'm really sorry." Jungkook's hushed voice traveled to the silence of the meek breeze of the wind with pain, and pity, and misery-the male's clenched hands only lost the tightness and force emanating in his pale fists-and atlas, everything flashed through his mind, like the shutters of an inexistent camera-and the images of him and Jisoo flooded through his perplexed mind.

Everything-the little moments where there were different feelings and emotions that holds a meaningful denotation-those minisicule intervals of seconds the imagery of him and Jisoo were together, has been glued to his mystified mind-he was, bewildered. Confused. Mystified. Puzzled. Perplexed.

But despite his mind entering a season of mystification, there is one thing that he do knows for sure-he caused such a tremendous pain for Jisoo to endure. And his hazel luminous orbs followed the every movement of the female's figure-there were shrill notes of her shoes tapping onto the wooden floor, the volume descending and descending. And he looked at her again, with an unreadable expression wavering on his face.

"And please, don't go." He silently whimpered, and the last single tear has fallen onto the cold floor.

Hey guys! A new book! Hehe I hope you like this chapter. Drop your opinions please. I know this was boring and cringe-worthy. And also note that english isn't my first language.

Anyways, I'm gonna update "Polar Clarity" probably next week hehe sorry. Ok buh bye! <3

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