Start from the beginning

"Minerva's not here."

"Yeah, she's been, avoiding us for the whole week, but we see that she's been spending most of her time with Kai." Her daughter's friend reported.

"Kai." The genuinely curious woman repeated, "As in, the witch?" Parker.

Elena forces a short laugh, "Is there any other Kai's you know besides him?"

The brand new professor laughs, "No, I'm just making sure who he is."

"Okay. So yeah, we don't really worry much since he's, kind of a good guy now. So, everything's kind of, sorted when it comes to him." Elena nods.

"How come? I mean, he is the one who murdered his own family, right?" Cassie mentioned and her easygoing nephew only hums in response.

"Yeah, but we're giving him a chance. We're still watching his behavior, from time to time just in case, but the reason he started to care, well, it's complicated, to explain at this time." Elena retorted as her old friend nods.

"Some things can never not be complicated, you know?" Cassie said, "So then, Isaac, if you see Minerva anywhere, or any of you for that matter, tell her to call me, okay? She hasn't been picking up her phone these days."

"Yeah, okay, sure." Her one and only vampire nephew replied.

"Thanks a lot, sweetheart." Cassie sent them a simple goodbye before she walks away toward the office building for the professors on campus while Elena and Isaac closely watch the woman go, wondering about Minerva.

"Where is Minerva, actually?" The younger vampire questioned.


Parker Residence in Portland, Oregon

Olivia Parker is sitting on the three-seated couch in the living room, eating a carton of Ben and Jerry's while watching television when she hears the ring of the doorbell, which makes her tsk in annoyance. She checks the wall clock, confirming it's not her father at the door that she gets up and walks over to the front door to find an unexpected visitor standing there. Minerva is standing on the front porch with a few of her bags while Kai is still unloading the car trunk to get the rest of their things. The front door finally opens to reveal a puzzled Liv, who catches sight of Kai before she turns her attention back to her former close friend, almost angry in seeing her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The older girl mentioned.

"Olivia. Good to see you too." The younger one fakes a smile.

Liv scowls at her, "Nobody's home, and I'm not much of a use anymore either, unless you came all the way here just to mock me about Tyler, I suggest you go back to where you came from and bring whoever that is with you out of my sight, and better yet, out of this territory. Now."

"Funny how you don't even recognize your own brother--"

"My brother is dead. So whoever that is you came here with, is just a psychopath who is just pretending like he actually cares." Liv snarled.

The caramel brunette frowns in her boyfriend's offense, "He does."

"Look, I really don't want to do this again with you, Livvie poo." Kai steps onto the front porch with the bags, "Lighten up. We won't be here long."

His blonde sister scoffs in disbelief, "Yeah, until Dad comes home and figure out a way to send you back to your own personal hell, and we'll make sure the ascendant's destroyed so you won't be allowed to escape ever again."

"Yeah, about that. We have a problem a little trip back home won't hurt." Kai pushes his unfriendly sister out of the way to enter their house while Minerva trails after him as Liv slams the door shut behind them, irritated.

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