The Girl in the Basment

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Tegan ran around the entire place with no luck of finding her daughter, niece and nephew, or her brother in law. Daryl was starting to really panic.

"Where are they? Where are my babies?" Angie was yelling to no one in particular.

"Did anyone see them? Anyone?" Negan asked the crowd of people surrounding them.

Meanwhile, deep inside the thick dark woods the three children sat on a moldy wet log as silent tears streamed down their faces.

"I want my mama," Stryker whispered. A big man with long hair and a long beard stepped up to her. His face was that of one of the dead, but his body was not. His finger hooked under her chin as he brought her eyes up to meet his own. She stared into his eyes for a moment.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Merle yelled from the tree he was tied up too. He struggled trying to break free. The giant man stood and spun towards him. Landing a blow in the middle of Merles stomach. The children cried as Merle started coughing.

"Stop!" Stryker screamed as the man hit him again.

"Beta," the lady known as Ann said. The tall man turned and lowered his head. Ann walked up to them. She now had on a different outfit and was bald. The hair she had on was a wig. She wore an ugly gray and black outfit and her body and face were disgusting.

"Sorry, Alpha," Beta said. She placed a hand on his nasty face.

"Let us go," Stryker said looking at the two. Her tears stopped now and she stood up. She knew her parents would be brave, so she would too.

"What was that little one?" Alpha asked slowly walking towards her.

"Let us go! My mama and daddy will kill you if you don't!" The small redhead warned. She shook slightly, extremely terrified.

"Yeah! Ours too!" The twins spoke, standing next to their cousin. They all held hands.

"Oh my dear, sweet, innocent children. They won't kill me, they can't. They won't even find us unless we go to them," Alpha said quietly.

"Yes they will. Daddy said he will always find me," Stryker said furrowing her eyebrows.

"Your daddy is weak, little one. He will die just like your mama will," Beta spoke from behind Alpha. The little girls eyes grew dark.

"They will kill you," she threatened.

"We shall see," Alpha smirked.

"Y'all obviously never met her parents. My little brother will put an arrow between your eyes before you can say fuck. Tegan will drop your ass with one swift punch, especially if you threaten their little girl. They will stop at nothing to get her back. Same with the twins. Their parents are no force to be messed with. There father was a badass leader of over like 100 people. He killed a lot of people in his day. And their mother has wolves. Who the fuck has pet wolves? Tegan has a fucking tiger! Y'all are messing with the wrong people," Merle said still coughing out a lung.

"Shut up," Beta snarled stepping up to the man.

"Make me, bitch," Merle growled. Beta landed a hard punch to Merles mouth, knocking at least two teeth out. Blood spilled down Merle's face.

Back at the Kingdom Daryl, Tegan, Carol, Ezekiel, Angie, Negan, and Rick stood on the stage in the theater room. Tegan was chewing her lip, making it bleed. Daryl had his arms crossed, hands pressed under his armpits.

"There is something I should tell you," Ezekiel spoke. This caused the whole group to look up at him.

"Those new people, the Whisperers, we captured one of theirs. We have her in the basement. I'm afraid this was their doing," Ezekiel said looking up at them.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You have one of them locked up here and you didn't think it was a good idea to tell us? I swear to god I will kill you along side of those bastards!" Daryl yelled flailing his arms in the air.

"Take me to her," Tegan snarled. The King obeyed and lead the group to the basement. Inside a small cell a young female with long brown hair was curled up in a ball.

"Fuck," Daryl sighed seeing she was only a child herself.

"What's your name?" Tegan asked the girl.

"We don't have names," the teenager said.

"You have to have a name," Tegan huffed.

"Before all of this my name was Lydia," she said glancing at the group.

"Where are your people Lydia?" Tegan asked.

"I don't know," she sighed.

"Bullshit!" Angie growled stepping up next to Tegan.

"I don't! We never stay in one place for long. You don't have to worry though, they won't come back for me," she looked at the ground.

"Its not you I'm worried about. They have our children! My twins and Tegan's daughter. We need to know where they took them," Angie said.

"I don't know. I don't know why they would've taken them," Lydia looked puzzled.

"Well they did. Do you know where your last camp was?" Daryl chimed in.

"The covered bridge, where your people found me. It was a half a mile from there. Deep in the woods near the creek," she said.

"I know where that is," Ezekiel said.

"Take me there, now!" Daryl hollered shoving a rough finger into Ezekiel's chest.

"She'll kill you! Alpha will kill you!" Lydia warned.

"I'd like to see her try," Tegan snarled getting close to the bars.

"She will kill you and your children if she has too," she said.

"If she touches a single hair on my daughter's head I won't just kill her I'll torture her. Slowly, painfully. I'm going to make sure she regrets every choice she has ever made in life to get her to this point," Tegan's voice was low and deep. It even scared Daryl.

"Come on, sis," Negan said grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the stairs.

"I'm going to kill that bitch," Tegan yelled, pushing past the group and running up the stairs.

"Daryl! Stop her before she goes out on her own!" Angie yelled.

"Got it!" Daryl shouted back chasing after his wife.

"Negan, come with me. Before we go anywhere, I have something for you," Angie said taking his hand. Negan followed her to the one car. Inside was a long wooden box. Carefully she clicked it open and brought out the barbed wired covered baseball bat.

"Lucille," Negan whispered, his eyes lighting up.

"Now let's find our children," Angie said kissing his lips.

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