Daryl's Mental State

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As night fell, Stryker grew tired. Tegan smiled at the girl who was about to fall asleep on the floor. 

"Bed time," Tegan sighed picking the little child up. She carried her up the stairs as her little pajama covered body was almost limp with exhaustion. As she laid her down, Stryker sighed.

"Daddy, didn't like it," she said.

"Like what?" Tegan asked pulling the blanket up over her chest.

"The one that looked like you," Stryker whispered before closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep. Tegan was puzzled. 

The red head grabbed her robe from the bedroom, wrapping it around her light yellow nightgown that flowed loosely off her body. As she walked downstairs she looked out the front window, noticing Daryl sitting on the banister on the front porch. He didn't even look her way when she walked out.

"Dare?" she whispered. "What are you doing out here? Come to bed." She walked over to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'll be up in a little bit," he said still not laying his eyes on her.

"Are you okay?" She asked pulling away.

"Yeah," he mumbled.

"Stryker told me something interesting," she started as she sat down on the porch swing.

"What's that?" he asked.

"That you didn't like the walker that looked like me," she said. That earned a side glance from Daryl, but only a quick one. "Daryl, talk to me. Please." 

"And say what?" he asked finally standing up.

"Something, anything! Don't just sit here and sulk. Talk to me," she begged.

"We saw one today that looked like you. Pale skin, beautiful red hair, and the same white nightgown you have. It made me think. What if I lose you? And then I thought, what if I lose Stryker? I can't do it, Tegan. I can't lose either of you," he huffed, turning his back to her. She went up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Daryl, we won't lose Stryker. We can't," she whispered into his back.

"What about you? What if I lose you?" He asked.

"Then you stay strong for our little girl. You continue on for our little girl. You have to promise me, no matter what, you can do that for her. Promise me," Tegan said having him turn to face her.

"I promise," he mumbled.

"Plus, you ain't going to lose me! I survived this long, right?" she joked trying to make the air light. He smiled down at her, before grabbing her face and pulling it into his.

"I love you, Tegan Dixon," he sighed pressing his forehead to hers.

"I love you, Daryl Dixon," she whispered. "Let's go to bed." 

"I'm just going to sit out here for awhile. I'll be up in a little bit," he said pressing one last kiss to her forehead.

"Okay, but don't be long. Mama wants Daddy to snuggle," she winked before spinning on her heels and walking into the house. Daryl watched her close the door before sitting on the steps and pulling out a cigarette. 

"Hey stranger," a familiar female voice said.

"Hey," Daryl whispered.

"What's going on?" The gray haired woman asked sitting next to him.

"Nothing," he sighed taking a long puff of his cigarette.

"Something must be wrong. I haven't seen you smoke like this in awhile," she chuckled as she reached for the pack in his shirt pocket. He allowed her to pull it and a set of matches, out.

The cigarette hung slightly out of his mouth, almost falling, but his teeth held it gently. Carol placed hers between her two fingers and continuously brought it to her mouth. He glanced at her for a moment, contemplating on telling her the truth.

"I'm afraid," he admitted. Carol looked up at him, shock written on her face.

"Daryl Dixon, as I live and breath. What are you afraid of?" she asked.

"My family. Losing them," he sighed wiping a hand down his face.

"Daryl, listen, when I lost Sophia my world had ended. I will never be the same, but you were there for me. You helped me. You looked for my little girl until the very end when she came stumbling out of that barn. You had never given up hope. Don't give up now," she said, running a hand down his back. "Besides, you think I'd let anything happen to the family of my best friend. Don't worry pookie. I will protect them." Daryl glanced at her and chuckled.

"Thanks Carol," he sighed looking back down at his hands.

"See you tomorrow, Daryl," she said placing a gentle kiss on his cheek and walking off down the road.

Daryl watched her go as he sat there for a few more minutes. He knew Tegan was still up waiting for him. He took one last long drag of the cigarette and then held it in his fingers. His thumb and pointer finger held it gently as he looked at the burning end. Without another thought he pressed it to the back of his left hand. He didn't wince or flinch or even blink. He sat there stone faced as he watched the burning cigarette bury into his skin. The smell of slightly burnt flesh wafted through his nose.

Looking up at the dark blue sky littered with sparkly white lights, he sighed. He decided it was time to go upstairs and see his misses. When he walked into the bedroom Tegan was laying there, completely naked, on her side with her head on her hand that was propped up on her elbow. Her legs gently crossed. She smiled at him the most beautiful smile he ever saw. Without any words he carefully removed his clothes, not taking his eyes off her. She crawled back so was laying back against the pillows.

Once he was fully undressed, he climbed over the bed and stopped over top of her. They didn't speak. They didn't need too.

He spread her legs apart and slowly drove his cock into her wet center. She let out a quiet moan. Her fingers wrapped around his broad shoulders. Her nails dug deep into his flesh.

This was passionate. This wasn't just about pleasure. This was to show each other how much they love one another.

Tegan bit onto Daryl's shoulder, trying to not let her moans awaken the child that lay asleep right next door. He was going slow and he knew this wouldn't make it last any longer, but part of him didn't want it to ever end. He was hers and she was his.

His possessiveness had taken control when he brought his face down into the crook of her neck and started nibbling on her skin. A slight moan escaped her lips and he quickly covered her mouth with one hand. His other hand gripped tightly onto her waist, pressing deep into her soft skin.

His dark brown hair fell over his face so she couldn't see his look when she arched her back and pressed closer to his body. She didn't see the look of pure domination. He was marking his territory, even though it had been marked many of times in many of places, he needed to do it again.

She was near the end and he could feel it. His hand traveled to her back and lifted it up so it was arched even more. Now, he pressed his lips to her allowing her tongue access to travel through his mouth. He gripped tighter onto her waist as she did the same to his shoulder, both unleashing themselves at the same time.

They stayed connected for a few minutes, tongues still entwined. Her fingers now traveled through the greasy mop on his head.

They loved each other. And that is all that mattered.

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