The Lady in the Sun Hat

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Everyone was excited as they made their journey to the Kingdom. The children giggled quietly as they rode in an old car with the roof cut off being pulled by horses. Negan and Angie walked on one side of the carriage and Tegan and Daryl on the other. Daryl had his crossbow gripped tightly in his hands as Tegan's swung loosely on her back. Negan was not trusted with a weapon, but Angie had a secret up her sleeve no one knew about.

The roads were quiet and not much went on during their track there. Once arriving at the Kingdom, Daryl felt he could finally relax. For Tegan, however, her mama bear instincts kicked in and something did not feel right.

"Wow," the three children cooed at the sight. Shiva ran ahead, excited to be on her old stomping grounds.

Tegan looked to her side to see Merle speaking with a woman in a long yellow dress. It had little flowers sprinkled on it. Her long blonde hair was held down by a straw sun hat. Tegan squinted her eyes at the woman, having an uneasy feeling settle in her stomach.

"Mama, look!" Stryker shouted causing the woman and Tegan to turn towards the little girl. Stryker pointed up on at the statue of Shiva that stood on the tall balcony.

"Beautiful," Tegan smiled at her daughter. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the woman staring at them with a big smile on her face. "Daryl, who is that?" Tegan kept her voice low. Daryl looked at the woman who was touching his brothers arm.

"Don't know. Why?" He asked his wife as she stood in front of him. Her arms folded across her chest and her eyes narrowed.

"I just have a bad feeling," she told him. He looked up at the woman once more. Their eyes connected and she smiled at him.

"Just stay away from her," he suggested placing an arm around her back protectively.

"Ah! Princess Stryker! How's my favorite princess?" Ezekiel asked as he strutted over to the family.

"King! Uncle Neggie is here!" Stryker told her older friend.

"So I see! Pleasure to see you, Sir Negan. Ah, Lady Angie, how are you my dear?" Ezekiel asked as he made his rounds.

"I'm good," Angie said giving him a quick hug.

"Sir and Lady Dixon, how may you be?" Ezekiel asked the couple who were still staring at the woman.

"Hello, Ezekiel," Tegan said smiling at the older man. She walked over and wrapped hers around the man. His hugs were some of the best. "Who's that woman Merle is talking to?" She whispered in his ear.

"Hm, I can't say I know her. Must be from Hilltop," he said as they disbanded.

"Ezekiel doesn't know her either. Everyone else here, I know. Why don't I know her?" Tegan asked Daryl.

Stryker saw her uncle speaking to the lady and she ran over to them. Tegan's heart dropped to her stomach and she bolted after her daughter.

"Uncle Earl! Look, Shiva!" The little girl said pulling on Merle's pant leg. The woman bent down next to the small redhead and tucked the childs hair behind her ear.

"Stryker," Tegan said placing an arm around her daughters chest and pulling her away.

"Hello there, Angel," the womans soft voice cooed to the young girl. "Stryker? Is that your name?" Stryker looked up at her mother a little nervous. Daryl stood behind them watching the woman closely.

"Yes," Stryker mumbled.

"Beautiful name," she said.

"And you are?" Tegan asked leading Stryker behind her so Daryl could pick her up.

"How rude of me. My name is Ann and you?" The woman outstretched her hand.

"Tegan. This is my husband, Daryl," Tegan replied taking the hand firmly in hers.

"Beautiful little family. Keep them close," Ann said with a slight smile, glancing at Stryker. Daryl tightened his grip on his daughter and glared at the woman. "Goodbye, y'all." With that she walked off. The four watched her go.

"I was trying to get some," Merle grumbled shoving Tegan's shoulder lightly.

"Some what?" Stryker asked.


"Friends! Uncle Merle needs some more friends," Daryl cut off his older brother. Merle rolled his eyes at him.

"Merle, I don't want that woman anywhere near Stryker. You understand?" Tegan threatened, shoving her small finger into his chest.

"Got it, mama bear!" Merle said holding his hand above his head.

"Babe, come on," Daryl said to her. Tegan gripped his hand and they made their way through Kingdom. Stryker ran off with her cousins.

"I'll watch 'em," Merle offered following the three kids.

"Are you sure?" Angie asked, hesitantly. She wasn't the biggest fan of the oldest Dixon.

"I got it," Merle reassured them.

"Be good!" Tegan yelled to Stryker. "I don't know about this." She looked up at Daryl.

"She'll be fine. No one will let her get hurt," he placed a gentle kiss to her temple.

The four walked through all the different vendors, of sorts, that were set up on the roadways. They ran into old friends they haven't seen in awhile and made some new ones.

Tegan searched the crowds for the kids and Merle, but couldn't find any of them. Daryl, Angie, and Negan were talking with five people that just recently showed up at Hilltop. They had been together for awhile.

"T! Come over here," Negan called to his sister.

"Where are they?" She asked turning to Daryl.

"Merle's with them," he said with a nod.

"Daryl, I need to just make sure shes okay. I'm going to go look for them," Tegan said before turning and walking off down the street. She didn't get far before Daryl caught up to her.

"Carol! Have you seen Merle and the kids?" Daryl asked his friend who stood talking to the king. She shook her head no.

"I did! They were walking around with that woman from before," he chimed in.

"I swear to god, when I find Merle I am going to kill him!" Tegan snarled.

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