The Trial and Verdict

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Negan sat at the long table in front of the room as a group of Alexandrians sat facing him. Rick stood to the side with his arms crossed. Daryl, Tegan, and Angie stood against the wall near the front door. Daryl had his arms around Tegans waist as he stood behind her.

"I'm nervous," Angie whispered to her best friends next to her.

"It will be okay," Tegan reassured her grabbing her hand.

"Negan, you may tell the jury why you believe you should be allowed to attend the fair," Michonne spoke as she stood in between Negan and everyone else.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Some of you may know me as the big bad scary man who killed some people to get his way. Let me ask you all a question, though. Your fearless leader here, how many people has he killed to get his way? Or what about the oh so loved Daryl? Even my dear sister and the love of my life have both killed people to get where they are today," Negan began. Rick's face was stone cold. Angie held her breath as she chewed at her nails. Tegan looked up at Daryl at the mention of his name. To her surprise he didn't get angry. "Yes my way of doing things was awful. I see that now. I get what I did was terrible and wrong and I am so very sorry for all the pain and hurt I've caused to everyone. My mind was clouded. My heart was jaded. I'm sure many of you know my children, Blade and Colt. They are so excited for this fair, but when they thought I couldn't join them their happiness went away and so did my light. They mean the world to me and I will do anything I need to, to prove to you all I am a different man now."

Angie let out her breath she had been so desperately holding in. Tegan gave her brother a smile. That was pretty good.

A woman with light gray hair stood up. She had to be in her late 70s early 80s. Tegan watched as the woman walked around the table and straight up to Negan. Everyone stared at her as she placed a frail hand on his shoulders.

"Young man, my name is Beatrice. You may not know me, just like I don't know you. The only thing you see here is an old woman. I see a sad soul who had lost his way not that long ago. I see a man who is trying to find his way in this godforsaken world, but can't do that behind bars. I see a helpless man just wanting to his hold his family. I see you, Negan. I see the real you. Not this murderous pig everyone keeps talking about. No, that's not you. Your demons were tricky ones, but lucky for you, you found someone to fight them right along side you," the woman spoke. "I believe this man deserves some time outside of his caged life!" She turned towards the rest of the jury.

"Thank you, Beatrice," Negan said with a nod.

"The rest of us would like to hear from Daryl, actually. He was with Negan the most before and after he was locked up," a man who was probably in his mid 50s said, standing up. Daryl looked down at Tegan, placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head before making his way up there.

Daryl's eyes searched the people in the room. They landed on Tegan's. She smiled at him softly. He kept his eyes trained on hers as he spoke. It made him feel comfortable. Almost, safe.

"5 years ago I would've killed Negan as soon as looked at him. He was a ruthless asshole who I wouldn't have given a sip of water too even if he was dying of thirst and I had gallons," Daryl said. "But now, even after all the shit he did, I would say he deserves this." His eyes left Tegan's as he glanced up at her older brother. Negan gave him a nod and a sly smile.

Rick glared at the two. Seeing a friendship blossom right before his eyes made him sick. This man, this evil monster, killed Glenn and Abraham. How Daryl let that go?

"Any other questions?" Michonne asked. Everyone shook their heads. "We will come back in one hour to hear what you have decided." Everyone except the jury left the church. Negan walked closely to Angie, hands still bound. As they all stood outside under a tree, Daryl stared at the clouds.

"You alright?" Tegan asked coming up beside him.

"Yeah," he grunted throwing a hand around her shoulder and pulling her close.

"I know you aren't sure if you did the right thing," she whispered into his chest. "But, Daryl, you did. You did do the right thing." He looked down at her a small smirk on his lips.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered before pressing his lips to hers. "I love you, Mrs. Dixon."

"I love you, Mr. Dixon," Tegan smiled squeezing tightly around his waist. She laid her head on his chest as she looked over at her best friend and brother. Angie held Negan like Tegan held Daryl, except Negan couldn't put his arms around her like Daryl could.

"Stryker! Get back here!" Eric's voice called through the calm air. Tegan and Daryl turned their heads in time to see the young girl come barreling at them. Not far behind was Blade and Colt.

"Daddy! Mama!" Stryker squealed running up to their legs.

"Daddy! Mommy!" Blade and Colt yelled in unison.

"Are you guys not listening to Uncle Eric?" Daryl asked scooping the three of them up in his arms. They all squirmed and tried to break loose, but Daryl squeezed them tight. Once he let go they laughed and rolled in the grass. Daryl got down on his hands and knees and the three children climbed onto his back.

"Watch out, kids. Hes an old man," Negan chuckled.

"Shut up," Daryl snarled at his brother in law.

"Guys, their ready," Rick told the family.

"Mama, can I watch?" Stryker asked her mother.

"Me too!" The twins screeched in unison. Stryker looked at Daryl who was still on all fours. He shrugged as the children hopped off his back one by one.

"Up to you," Daryl said. He got to his feet. Tegan searched his face, asking for help, but he wouldn't give it to her.

"Fine," she huffed. The children squealed before running into the court room.

Angie looked up at Negan as he smiled down at her. His lips landed on the top of her head, inhaling her scent. Angie took a deep breath before leading him back inside.

Beatrice stood in front of everyone. You couldn't read the look of her wrinkly face, but Tegan had a good feeling.

"You see, we all make mistakes. In this world especially, but what's most important is we learn from those mistakes. We know not to repeat them. Us, as the jury, believe Negan deserves to go to the fair," Beatrice said. Instant tears came to Angie's eyes as all three children ran over to Negan and wrapped their arms around his legs.

Everything was working out.

The Perfect FamilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora