Chapter 45

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-Peeta's POV-

I refuse to leave her side. It's been 3 days since they said she was in a coma. The others come back after school and leave around 11pm. However my mother, father, Micheal and Prim stay here during the day with me, Michael and dad take turns to run the bakery while the other is here. Lilly is staying off with me because when she founf out she would scream and cry until she came, and screams and cries if they go to take her, so she stays with me the whole time.

The doctors have said if she hasn't woken in two weeks they'll turn off her life support.

~a week later~

It's been a week and a half, still no sings of her waking. I beg constantly all day everyday for her to wake, but everyday there is no sign. She has 3 days, 3 DAYS!!

I'm sat on one side with Lilly on my lap as Prim, my mother and my father sit on the other side. We all decide to quickly get food, Lilly moans that she's hungry so we can actually get her away from Katniss.

We all walk down to the canteen and get food and eat it, we walk back and obviously I walk slowlt because I'm holding Lilly's hand as she walks, which means Prim, my mother and father walk in front.

They reach the door and go to walk it but stop. "It's locked" they say puzzled. I walk to the door and go to open it, but as they say it's locked. I giggle on the door but it doesn't budge.

"Is there something wrong sir?" A doctor asks.

"Yeah, we can't get in" Prim says.

"You want to see Miss Everdeen's body?"

"Yeah, what do you mean by body?" my father asks.

"She's passed, not long ago actually. After her last visitors visited half an hour ago"

"She died just after we left?" Prim asks.

The doctor nods. "So would you like to see her body?"

They all look to me. I nod. "They can see her first" I say gesturing to Prim, my mother and father. He nods and unlocks the door and lets them in. They come out around 15 minutes later with red, tear stained eyes. Now for mine and Lilly's turn. I walk in and see her heart monitor with a white line going across it. I go and sit in the chair and put Lilly on my lap. "Say goodbye to mummy then Lilly" I say as tears run down my face.

"Why?" she asks.

"Because mummys gone now"

"Mummys dwed?" she asks on the verge of tears.

I nod. Then she cries and hugs Katniss' still body as it lays there. She cries onto her shoulder. Bwye mummy, I'll awlways Lwove ywo. I wish Ywo dwidn't dwie" she cries.

After about 5 minutes she climbs down and walks out, knowing I want my own time with her. She's so smart for a 2 going on 3 year old.

I look back to her lifeless body when she closes the door. I take her hand and kiss it then hold it in between my two hands.

"Katniss, I don't know where to start. I know that it hasn't properly sunk in that your gone forever yet, and I'm dreading when I do. Because honestly, you made my life, I don't know what I'm going to do without you in my life. But I'm glad you've left this horrible world you were brought up in and living in a nice kind place now up there. Don't worry, I'll take care of Prim and Lilly, for you." I say as I choke on my tears. "I'm sorry your life had to end this way, you deserved a happy ending to your life, not this way. I won't ever forget you, never in a million years would I. I love you so much Katniss, sleep tight baby" I say as I kiss her cold, lifeless lips.

I lift her hand up and place one last kiss on her hand before placing it back down to join her other one on her stomach. I stand up and quietly walk out and give one last look before I close the door.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I'm crying so much guys! I don't know guys, I just don't know. But this book has oficially finished!

Thank you everyone who has read, voted and comented on here, it means so much to me!

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