Chapter 29

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-Katniss' POV-

The police rang Mark to tell him I'll be staying with him again. We get to the bakery and Mark comes over. I hide sightly behind Peeta just in case.

"Katniss I'm not going to hit you" Mark says.

I come put from behind Peeta and Mark engulfs me in a hug. "I'm sorry it happened to you. At least he's gone now" I just nod in reply, still a little socked my the whole thing.

"Go on then, Peeta she can stay with you tonight and I'll get her stuff in the morning from her mothers"

Peeta takes my hand and leads me upstairs. We walk into his room as he shuts the door behind us. I take my jumper and tie off revealing my gym top as I had PE last lesson of the day. I slip my trousers and there's leggings underneath.

Peeta goes and gets dressed then comes back out of his bathroom and climbs into bed where I'm laying. He wraps his arms around my waist protectively as I turn to face him. I see the bright smile of his face even in the dark. I lean up slightly and press my lips against his. He smiles as he kisses me back with so much love and affection. We break breathless as I lie back down and lie my head on his chest. We both fall asleep tangled up in each other comfortably.

I wake up the next morning and look up to see Peeta looking down at me.

"Morning" he says and kisses my head.

"Morning" I say in a sleepy voice.

"I could get used to this" he says smiling as he kisses my head.

"Get used to what?" I ask dumbly.

"Waking up with you next to me" he says as he tightens his arms around me.

We decide to get up after cuddling for a bit. He gets out and practically picks me up out of bed and stands me up.

"What was that for? I could get up on my own"

"I know I just felt like" he says doing a cheeky grin.

I lean up and kiss him lightly before heading downstairs.

I don't know what's happening in mine and Peeta's relationship because one minute were all lovey around each other and kissing and cuddling then the next were arguing and hardly talking.

Oh well. I walk into my bedroom where all my stuff is thanks to Mark. I quickly get dressed in some denim shorts with black tights and a red crop top with red converse. I walk down stairs and sit in my seat at the table where a plate of breakfast is laid out.

"So Katniss, how come your back?" Louise asks.

"Uhh well the police said I'm not aloud to live with my mother anymore" I answer.

"Oh why's that?"

"Uhh well I kinda may have killed my uncle yesterday?"

"You killed uncle Phil?" Prim asks. I nod.

"Why?" Rye and Michael ask.

"Well it's not the first time I've killed someone.."

"You've murdered more than one person?!" I nod

"Why? Your mental!"

"Gee thanks, you don't think I already know that?" I ask holing up my band on my wrist.

"What, you've been diagnosed with it?!"

"Yeah, problem with that?"


"Because if the beatings I used to have. After they left me I would just rock in a corner talking to myself all the time about how I should and I deserve everything"

"How long have you you know been diagnosed with it?"

"Since I was thirteen"

"Wait, so you've been like that since we've met you?" I nod.

"Woah, how come we didn't know?"

"I don't like talking about it really.."


I finish eating my breakfast and go and get dressed for school because I have to leave earlier because I have to go further. I run back downstairs.

"Bye!" I say.

"Wait! Katniss come here" Mark calls.

"Mark, I need to go to school! I'll be late otherwise" I groan.

"Why don't I transfer you back to Mockingbird High?"

"Uhh, I prefer this one, the teachers are much better" I say.

"Okay, very well. We'll see you later"

"Bye!" I say and run out the door.

I walk for about 45 minutes until I get to school. Here goes another boring day.

~after school~

I walk out with Lauren and Rosie. All of a sudden I feel an arm go around my waist and a hand over my eyes.

"Guess who" they whisper in an accent into my ear.


He lets go. "Damn! How did you know?"

"Your awful at accents" I laugh. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Well you finish much later than us and I was bored so I decided to come and meet you so we can walk home" he shrugs.

"Oh that old excuse, or was it because you missed me?" I smirk.

"Hmm both" he chuckles.

"We'll see you tomorrow Kat!" Lauren and Rosie shout.

"Yeah, okay! See you tomorrow!" I shout back as we go seperate ways.

We walk home hand in hand.

We're about to turn down the street to go home when I feel a grasp on my leg. I look down to see Lilly hugging my leg. I let go of Peeta which causes him to look over. I bend down and pick up Lilly, I look around but her family isn't in sight.

"Lilly, wheres your mummy and daddy?"

"I dwon't knwow" she sobbs.

I look to Peeta. He shrugs.

"Come on, lets go and find them" I tell her. Peeta agrees. We walk down a few strees until we s her mother and father frantically looking around for her. We walk down the street and her mother and father see us and run over.

"Oh my gosh Lilly! You scared us!" Her mother cries.

"I wenwt two gwet my bawl and I wost it awnd swaw Katwiss and Pweeta and wey bwought me bwack"

"Thank you!" Her mother and father says to us.

"It's okay, we were walking home and I felt a tug on my leg, I look down and saw Lilly crying do I picked her up and sais she was lost. I didn't know where you lived so I just went down every street to see if you were looking for her" I say as I hand Lilly over to them.

"Thank you again" she says.

"It's no problem" we shrug. "Anyway, we'd best get going. Bye Lilly!" I say.

"Bwye" she waves.

We turn round and walks back to the bakery, holding hands again.

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