Chapter 39

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-Peeta's POV-

My heart shatters when I read those three words. Mild lung cancer. She's going to die and I'll be left alone to moarn my way through life without her.

Me and Rye look at each other. We just read the same exact thing.

"I'm so sorry" Dean says.

"It's okay" I manage to choke out before bursting out crying. Rye hugs me after he hands back the sheets.

Our mother and father come out and see me and Rye crying. They ask whats wrong and Dean hands them the sheets, which makes them break down too.

Last is Rye and the group to come out, Michael reads the sheet and cries with us. The group comfort us, not knowing what's going on.

They leave after a while and we quickly collect ourselves and stop crying a bit before Katniss comes out.

"D-does she know?" I manage to ask between sobbs.

"No, but there is a possibility we can get rid of the tumour if we take her ASAP and operate on her"

We all look at each other, all of a sudden Katniss walks out and sees us all with blotchy red eyes.

"Are you guys okay?" she asks.

Dean hands her the sheet, she reads then falls to her knees. I kneel down next to her and comfort her as she sobbs into my chest.

"Katniss, you need to go into hospital so you can have an operation to take the tumour out ASAP so it doesn't get worse"

"Okay" she nods.

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