Chapter 26

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~after half term~

-Peeta's POV-

I wake up and realise that we start to wear school uniform today. YAY. Note the sarcasm.

I grab my white shirt and black trousers and tuck my shirt in then put on my blue and white tie then put my V-neck jumper on with the school logo on the top left, just under my shoulder blade. I go and brush my teeth and grab my bag after sorting my books out and stuff my phone in my pocket and slip my black shoes on. I walk downstairs and eat my breakfast then walk to school with a grumpy Rye.

We arrive at school and go to first lessons. I don't see Katniss in her normal seat. She must not be in today.

The teacher walks in. He does the register and doesn't call Katniss' name out. He must have seen she's not in. He stands up at the front of the classroom.

"So, as you may know. We have recently lost a student to one of the other schools. It was very unfortunate she left as she was one of our best pupils" He takes a breath. "Katniss has moved to Willow Tree High where she will continue her education" he finishes.

Everyone starts to mumble, I feel a tap on my back, I turn round to see the group. "Can you believe it?" Glimmer asks.

~after school~

I'm walking home from school minding my own business when I bump into someone, causing them to drop their books.

"Sorry" I mumble as I crouch down and pick then up as she does too. We stand back up and I hand them to her as I look at her for the first time. I recognise the badge and tie, Willow Tree High. I then look to the face. It surprises me by who it is.


"Katniss.." I whisper.

"Hey.." she says.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

She nods. "Sure, I guess. As long as you promise not to basically rape me again"

"I promise"

She smiles and joins me as we walk down the street.

"Look I'm really sorry about what happened, I don't know what came over me. I guess I was just jealous that Rye was around you more than me and I wanted to prove to you how much I loved you. But the truth is that it made you hate me, I should have listened to your whimpers, begging me to stop not ignore them"

"Peeta it's fine, I've gotten over it. Even though it hurt a lot I'm glad it was you because I couldn't imagine any other person doing it" she smiles shyly.

"Yeah but I hu- wait what?"

She nods.

"So why did you move?"

"It's closer to my mothers house. How's Prim?"

"She's fine" I nod. "How's you and your mother?"

"We're doing fine" she smiles.

"Katniss!" We hear someone shout from behind us. We turn around to see two girls running over to us. Who are also from Willow Tree High.

"Hey Lauren, hey Rosie" Katniss says.

"Who's this hottie then?" One of them ask.

"This is Peeta. Peeta meet Lauren and Rosie"

"How do you know him then if he's from a different school?" I think Lauren asks.

"One, it was my old school. Two, he's the same age as us. Three, I used to live with him"

"How did you live with him?"

"I'll tell you another time"

"Well we're gonna go and let you be with the hottie" they wink.

"We've already dated" she states.

"Ohh" they say turning around and coming back. "So you wouldn't mind if one of us dated him?"

"No, not really but I doubt he would anyway"

"Yeah, no offence but I kinda already like this girl, I'm just too much of a coward to as her out" I shrug.

"Ohh" they nod. "Anyway, were gonna go home now" they say and walk off.

We carry on walking until we get to the bakery.

"Why are you coming here?" I ask.

"My mother needs buns" she answers.

"Ahh" I nod. "Or was it just an excuse to be near me?" I tease.

"Very funny" she answers as we walk through the door as the bell rings.

"Katniss!" Prim exclaims and runs over and jumps into her arms.

"Hey little duck" she says.

"Hello Katniss" my father says.

"Hey Mark" she answers.

"What would you like?" He asks.

"Just four buns please"

"Okay" he says as he gets the buns.

"Oh my mother said to give you this for looking after Prim because she doesn't trust herself at the moment, but she will have a back eventually" she says handing him a £50 note.

"There's no need for her to pay, we're doing it because we care for her, not because her mother wants us to" he says handing the bag to her. "It's on the house okay?"

She nods and smiles. "Thank you Mark, I'll see you soon"

I walk out with her.

"Are you following me?" She asks.

"No, I just miss being around you really" I shrug.

"That's cute Peet" she nudges me.

She stands my the bus stop as a bus comes. She gets on and pays and I do the same. I just wanna make sure she gets home safe really.

I go and sit next to her.

"Okay, why are you following me?" She asks.

"I just wanna make sure you'll get home okay"

"Right okay, and the other reason?"

"I still love you" I say and lean in and kiss her lips.

She kisses back immediately. I forgot how sweet and soft her lips were.

After a while she pulls me off the bus with her as her hand is entwined with mine.

"What are you doing? I need to get home" I ask.

"You can stay over. You can't go back now it's too late" she says.

She walks in the house and puts the bag of buns in the bread bin before heading upstairs. She pulls me along with her. She goes and get into her pyjamas and comes back in, I decks to stay in my uniform so it'll be easier in the morning.

She pulls me into bed with her and wraps her arms around my stomach and she rests her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her protectively as I kiss her goodnight.

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