Chapter 26 : The sweetest professor

Comenzar desde el principio

"I get that girl. I'll tell Daewhi to buy it before we go to Sana's place," she winked before leaving me alone with the handsome creature.  To make the task even more difficult, she had decided to sit with her legs spread out as if she were sitting comfortably in her living room. 

Look at her pretty face not her bulge, dammit Jennie!

"Are you sick?" thank God she had straightened up and closed her legs. It was hard enough for me to stay focused.

"I told you, I'm just tired," I crossed my arms without knowing it was one of the defense signs. 

She got up sighing, walked over and stopped in front of me. Normally, I liked our height difference, but not in cases where she used that advantage to examine me. Realizing how close we were, I was surprised to see that it was Lisa who had initiated the step without realizing the consequences if someone eventually entered the room.

She placed a strand of hair behind my ear, a movement that did not leave me indifferent. Each time, I could feel the hairs on my body standing up. Our bodies were like two elements which, as soon as they were close, a reaction had to be created. It was both fascinating and frightening at the same time.

"You're far too calm to just be tired. Tell me what's on your mind, certainly not your report, right?" 

"Are you playing the professor who's ready to listen her students because they don't feel okay?" 

"I try. Does it work?" she asked me innocently causing me to roll my eyes because she could be an idiot sometimes. 


"Did you just call me a monkey?" there she is now playing the offended person. If she kept this up, I'm sure she'd land a small part in a dramatic film in no time. But with her face, it was impossible not to smile.

"Yes, you're a monkey. And no, it's not about my report. For the first time in my life, my parents've been delighted hearing the news. It was as if someone had replaced their daughter and they didn't complain at all," 

"That's cool, you should be proud of you too. Don't tell me that all the work you did, made you like a lazy slot for the next part of the year?"

"Shut up," I weakly punched on her chest but she grabbed my wrist before my punch could land on her. She dragged me off the desk and pressed me to her. My hormones started to wake up, I felt all the elements of my body working causing a hot flush. Like a sadomasochist, she took pleasure in seeing my flush state. It was embarrassing because she always managed to take control when in all her years I never let anyone lead. I should be offended by this invasion but again, it was Lisa. 

Is it called whipped culture? 

"So what's wrong?" her tone was now different. She was sincerely worried but I couldn't afford to tell her that her new friend was annoying me and that she hated me like never before. If there was one thing I had learned from Lisa, it was that she didn't like it when people accused someone of being unfounded. Besides, I was tired of being treated like a grown up woman who was just being childish. As I took a step back, I was evaluating my actions and I wanted to bang my head on my keyboard on my MacBook. 

I was definitely unbearable.

I didn't even have a valid argument against Suzy. We didn't love each other, but nothing more. Her existence was only hard to bear. 

"I'm tired and since it's Friday, I told Soojin that I need to rest and get some whiskey too," 

"You're going to party tonight?"

Bad lust - JENLISADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora