Part 4

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You opened your eyes, there wasn't a light to be seen. Had you fallen asleep? Passed out? Either way, you were awake now. You began thinking of your situation and it made you anxious. You told yourself how now is a moment of peace, until your thoughts were interrupted by a blood curdling scream, along with the sound of a saw. You were now back to crying. When was your turn? How long could you stall? How much of it would your body let you feel? Where on earth was help?! 

"Oh darling...." Called Eddie in a smooth voice

You almost shout at him in fear, but you took a deep breath. 

"Y-yes... L-love" You stammered. It made you cringe calling him that. 

He knelt in front of you and roughly grabbed your upper thigh. This surprised you, and you tensed up as he spoke. 

"You're the first woman in this asylum who said that. I think you'll make an amazing mother to our children. You just have to be a good woman, and do your duties. I knew you weren't like the others..." He finished 

"So, why was that man in there screaming?" You asked

"Oh darling, love isn't for everyone" He replied. "Some don't have the right anatomy, and they're unwilling to try at all" He explained. 

You jumped on this "Well I'm a woman! That means you won't have to do a surgery, right???"

"Not exactly.... You have to be perfect" He said. 

You hung your head. 

"I don't understand..." you started, feeling more hopeless than ever. "If love is what you want, why do you have to change people to love them? You're sick! How many people have you... murdered? What kind of person-" you stopped "No one taught you to love....?" You asked 

"This isn't about my past, darling" he said sounding agitated, and stern "I know exactly what I'm looking for in a woman" 

You tried to not cry as you learned your fate, but you couldn't keep it in. You burst out in tears. He grabbed your chin and made you look at him, it was quite intimidating really. You tried not to look him in his terrifying eyes, but you felt pressured to, so you did. 

"Don't cry, darling. I'll take care of you, I'll protect you, and you may feel pain, but I'll be right there with you." He said warmly. 

He then deeply kissed your lips, you closed your eyes pushing more tears out of them, as the kiss deepened you felt more safe, and looked after. Maybe you were loosing it, but you felt a bond with this lunatic. As soon as he stopped kissing you snapped out of it. 

"Oh my sweet bride, all that crying must have made you thirsty!" He said 

"I guess a drink would be nice..." you agreed as your stomach growled. 

"I'll get you a meal, don't get used to it though" he said as he walked off. 

Out Lasting Romance - Eddie Gluskin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now