Part 2

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You woke up tied to a chair. You tried to lift your head, but it felt so heavy, and you felt so woozy. Every muscle in your body was so stiff and painful. Your vision was blurry, but slowly it was starting to become more clear. You looked down at your hands, which were restrained. You moved your wrists, which hurt your muscles, but it was the tight restraints that caught you off guard hurting you. You quietly gasped.

"Someone's awake!" called out a familiar chipper voice. 

It was him. You let out a small cry as you desperately struggled against your bondage. His footsteps were getting closer and your desperation grew stronger, but deep down you knew it was no use. He walked in with that corrupt grin. That grin could could fill any heart with fear. he untied you and threw you over his shoulder. His body was so strong, you might as well have been back in those restraints, because there was about the same chance of you getting out of his grasp.  All you could do is beg. 

"Let me go!" you cried out. 

He stopped and dropped you on the floor in front of him. You didn't bother mustering up the strength to stand, so you sat at his feet. 

"How rude of me... I am so sorry, Darling. Please forgive me!" He began "I didn't even introduce myself... I'm Eddie, Eddie Gluskin." He said holding out his hand. 

You nervously bit your lip as you scanned the room for an escape, the only exit was behind Eddie. No way you could just run past... You hung your head, then looked up at him taking his hand. What were you thinking? Well, you told yourself if you're gonna be at his mercy, you might as well not get on his bad side. You reluctantly introduced yourself as he helped you stand. He roughly grabbed your wrist. His grip was so tight you felt like your wrist was about to break. His hand was so tough, but your wrist was so fragile. You silently wept at the pain. He lead you to his operation room and threw you on the table. He then began to tie you down again. 

"Now Darling, this may hurt, but you'll be thankful." he said as he took a knife and gently ran it across your skin ever so slowly. 

"W-what are you gonna do?!" You shouted in horror. 

"It'll just be a few cuts to make you... Perfect" He said warmly. 

You could only imagine what that could mean. 

"NO! Please Mr. Gluskin!" You begged. 

Eddie tilted his head "What's the matter?" He asked

You sat there in complete silence for four seconds until you muttered "I... have to use the bathroom...."

"Why didn't you just say so, my love?" he asked then pointed to the door. "Go to the hallway, then make a right!" 

You nodded as he untied you and you nervously walked to the door. Each step closer the more suspense you felt inside you, praying he doesn't change his mind about letting you use the washroom. Needless to say, that was never the plan. As soon as you had the chance, you were gonna make a run for it. 

Out Lasting Romance - Eddie Gluskin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now