Part 3

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You were in the halls running full speed, must have been will power. 

"YOU LIAR! STUPID WH*RE!" yelled Eddie in the distance, most likely just down the hall. 

You rushed to a door and grabbed the handle to try and open it, but it was locked. Eddie's footsteps were getting closer. You just didn't have time for this! You kicked the door with all your might, and you could hear it breaking, just not fast enough...

"Darling..." said the voice, now only a few feet away. 

You screamed in terror as you kept kicking the door. Just one more kick... You kicked it again and the door broke open. You stumbled into the next room as fast as possible, but not fast enough. Eddie grabbed the back of your head by the hair and threw you to the floor. Once you were lying on your back he put his foot down on your ribs. 

"YOU! You have been very bad!" said Eddie as he pulled out his knife. "I was willing to love you! You're just a sl*t, like all the others!"

He knelt down and placed his knife gently on your collar bone. 

"Don't hurt me please!" You cried "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm SO sorry!"

"Darling... How could you say that? I'd never hurt you!" He said sounding honestly hurt as he dug his knife into your skin. 

You were completely speechless. He yanked you up and put you over his shoulder again. 

"I would never let anything happen to you! You mean too much to me! You're like a delicate flower, not to be spoiled!" He said in a caring voice. 

You tried to play along "I'm so sorry that I panicked... When you used your blade on my collar it really hurt, Mr Gluskin... Please... won't you c-care for the wound?" 

"Oh, Darling! Of course I will!" He happily exclaimed as he dropped you on a table and swiftly left, presumably to grab a first-aid kit. 

While your horrors were far from over, at least you put a pause to it. Maybe this would be the perfect plan, stalling, playing by his rules, or both. He returned after about ten minutes. 

"It wasn't easy, but I found some bandages and disinfectant." He said as he grabbed a cloth and poured some disinfectant on it. "This may hurt, but it'll help you" he assured as he started cleaning the wound. 

Of course you endured the stinging. What seemed to bother you most was Eddie, knowing you're no match for him, and any second he could do whatever he wants to you, and you'd be powerless against it. After Eddie was done cleaning your wound he opened the band aids. The smell reminded you of better times. Eddie gently put the band aid on your cut. 

"th-.....thanks..." You muttered. 

"A man would do anything to take care of his bride" Said Eddie. 

How ironic that he was the one who caused so much pain, but there was no use reasoning with him about that. He caressed your cheek moving his hand gently to your hair. 

"Oh Darling, such a soft pure little girl you are" He said. 

You tensed up at his touch and couldn't dare look him in the face. 

"Just don't be like the rest of them..." He warned. 

Out Lasting Romance - Eddie Gluskin x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz