Chapter 4

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(there will be a lot of POV changes I hope it won't be confusing xD)

Xayah's POV

Every dark fey went into the cave preparing for the war to come. Borra talked first.

"Conall wanted peace, but they fed him with iron. Now we will have a war! Our fight begin now !" 

"We will rise together !" Shrike yelled back, Ini following

"We fight together !" and Borra finished his speech.

"And we will show them no mercy !!!" 

Every fey prepared for the fight, harboring their skin with war paintings. I got carried by a forest fey, I nodded my head to him as a thanks for carrying me all the way to Ulstead's castle. As for mother, I've never seen her like this, it's like she wasn't herself anymore, controlled by rage. We departed from the nest of origin and went to Ulstead's castle, but when we started to arrive in sight of the castle, red bombs were coming our way, even destroying the human village. Udo seing a building almost crushing three children, instinctively went to protect them with his wings, but as we went closer to the castle, a few fey got touched by the red bombs, and as the bombs touched them they instantly disappeared ! I yelled at them immediately understanding what it was. 

"The bombs are made with iron !!" I yelled, and as I finished yelling the man that was carrying me got touched by a bomb, vanishing in an instant and myself falling onto the ground hard. Thankfully I didn't fall from too high, but I was astonished and terrified at the sight before me, humans launching iron bombs, and the fey touched by them vanishing into dust.  I tried to help the fey that were on the ground pushing the humans away, as I was running I saw near a small church, Aurora trying desperately to open the gates with Diaval

"Diaval! Aurora !!" I screamed as I was running to them, but soldiers started to attack them. I ran faster at punch one soldier as another one had Aurora in his grasp "Release her!" I said as I was also grabbed and put to the ground by three other men. I struggled underneath them when I saw mother approaching in the air, transforming Diaval into a bear as he opened the gates of the church letting all the fey to run out to go to safety.

"This way, come on !" I helped her as much as I could to help the little fey

"Look,mother is here..."

"She's going for the queen... Xayah we have to go help her !"

"Go up there I'm covering you" I said as we started running to the bottom of the tower, but soldiers were in our way. Thankfully, I don't know how but I was able to use my powers, fire. I launched fire at them to give the time for Aurora to run to the gate of the tower to join Maleficent and the queen "Aurora run !" I said as two iron bombs were launched at me, the arrows that were attached to the bombs launched themselves in my arms, red fog expanding around me.

"Xayah no !!" But as the fog disappeared I was still there one arrows plunged in each arms, I took them off and threw them on the ground.

"I'm okay! Go to mother !" I yelled to her and she ran into the tower joining Mother and queen Ingrith.

I continued to fight as much as I could, trying to destroy their weapons so they couldn't hurt other fey.

Normal POV

Borra was flying to the rescue of other fey as he saw Percival reloading his crossbow , he dived onto him as he received an arrow in his bicep, falling on the ground. Percival raised his crossbow, ready to fire again. But Borra got up quickly, launching his wing at Percival's crossbow making him lose his balance and fall on the ground. Borra was ready to finish him but a sword was put to his neck to stop his movements.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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