Chapter 7

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"Ugghh~" The tired Italian groaned as the sunlight shined right into his eyes, the bright light waking him up. He turned and stuffed his face in Adam's chest. "Make it go away."

"I can't just make the sun disappear. And you need to get up anyways, sleepyhead!" Adam chuckled as he ran his fingers through Anthony's soft locks. "Don't want to be late for the first day of PAX!"

"Fine." Chilled grumbled as he rolled out of bed, making his way over to the bathroom, the sound of running water being heard a few moments later.

Anthony's phone on the nightstand next to Adam buzzed, signifying a new message was received.

He cautiously picked it up, glancing between the phone and the bathroom door before unlocking the phone to read the message.

I'm going to be at PAX today. Can we meet up so I can talk to you? I want to show you how much you mean to me. And trust me, you don't have to worry about me being a stranger. You know me more than you think you do~

Adam's eyes scanned over the message multiple times, still trying to figure out who the hell M was. If it wasn't a stranger, then who?

The Italian exited the bathroom, daily morning activities completed. He got dressed, but the room remained silent. He went to speak until he noticed Adam holding onto his phone with a tight grip. He started walking over to the bed, leaning down to whisper into his ear.

"Hello~" Chilled whispered into Adam's ear, causing Adam to let out a squeak of surprise, rolling to his other side to see it was Chilled.

"I came in here and got dressed, and usually I would get some prevented comment from you. When I didn't, I knew something was up so I looked over and noticed you glaring at my phone. Did I get another anonymous message?"

"Yeah." Adam said, with a slight edge in his voice, handing the phone over to Anthony. "Whoever it is, they say they know you, and they also know that you are going to PAX. They want to meet up with you."

"Well, should I meet up with them? Just to figure out who the hell it is?" The Italian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure, if you want. We know now it's not a fan, which I don't know if that is better or worse. But I think we should find out who it is regardless. "

Anthony nodded in agreement,  looking down at his phone screen as he started typing away his message.

Alright, Mr.M... I'll meet you somewhere at PAX today. Where? And what time?

Less than a minute later, the phone buzzed with the new message.

How about at the food court? I know what you look like so I will look for you. And around lunchtime. Like noon-ish or so.

Chilled looked up, noticing Adam staring at him, waiting for the response. "He said he will meet me at the food court."

Adam stayed silent, too pissed about the text messages to respond. Somebody, who they potentially knew, was trying to take away his Anthony, thinking that they were better than him. Ruin his perfectly happy and healthy relationship. It made Adam want to punch anything in his sight.

This isn't the norm for the usually calm man to feel like this. He wasn't much of a fighter, more on the lover end of the scale, but this made him truly angry. The pure anger he felt made him slightly scared.

But that feeling was pushed away as the message he read kept ringing in his head.

Anthony looked back at his phone when he realized he wasn't going to get a response from Adam, typing quickly.

Alright. The food court at noon. Sounds good. See you then, uh, M.

When the message sent, he chucked the phone onto the bed, laying back down next to Adam and giving him a huge hug. "Don't worry about me leaving you for somebody else, because I never will. I just want to meet up with this person so I can find out who it is and let them down easily. I hate hurting people in any way... You know that."

Adam let a small smile pop up onto his face, his anger dissipating, if only for the moment. He returned the hug, snuggling closer. "Yeah, I know. That is one of my favorite qualities about you."

The Italian smacked Adam's arm playfully, giggling as a schoolgirl would. "Stop it. Now let's head to PAX!" He screamed excitedly, detaching himself from the warm embrace, running to finish getting ready for the day.

Adam shook his head and chuckled to himself as he stared at Chilled running around the hotel like a maniac. He finally forced himself out of the bed, walking calmly towards the bathroom to get ready himself.

Tear In My Heart- SeaChaosWhere stories live. Discover now