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Max pushed his head against Anthony's bleeding hole, starting to push in even though he was met with some resistance.

With what little air he could receive, Chilled started sobbing. He couldn't believe this was happening. His head was spinning, the pain and pleasure was becoming too much. Black dots started to float in front of his vision, and the collar on him tightened. His eyes popped open behind the mask, gasping for air while his hands started twitching.

Max was all the way in, and he started trailing kisses along Anthony's neck, leaving multiple hickeys behind. His hands went back down and started pumping Chilled again. The Mexican started thrusting, pumping him in time with his thrusts.

The collar loosened, and the Italian gasped and sputtered, moaning and whimpering and crying all at the same time. He just wished he could float away.

Adam turned his head, unable to look at the sight before him.

Max noticed this, and smirked. He tightened the collar again, Chilled's face turning red from the lack of oxygen. "If you don't watch Adam, I'll make this worse for poor Anthony here. He is getting only 10% of the oxygen he needs right now."

Adam's head whipped up, and the collar loosened tremendously. Anthony sighed in relief, but it was short lived.

The Mexican's thrusts became harder, and one particular thrust had Chilled moaning and screaming in pain and pleasure.

"F-fuck~." Max and Anthony groaned at the same time.

Anthony started sobbing again, hating his body for betraying him. He shouldn't be enjoying this, and most of the time, he wasn't. It was just when Max did something that reminded Anthony of when him and Adam were together..... Which made Chilled feel even worse.

Tears leaked out of his closed eyes, running down his face from underneath the blindfold.

Adam saw the tears, and knew that even though it sounded like Chilled was enjoying it, he most certainly wasn't. He could barely breathe enough to speak, and he was bleeding profusely.

Max moaned, thrusting one last time before releasing inside of the Italian. He pulled out when he was done, and Anthony sighed in relief when he did so, but that feeling was short lived.

The blindfold was yanked off, and he blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the sudden light. The collar was also removed, and he gasped for air, taking in as much oxygen as his body would allow him too. His breathing eventually evened out, and Chilled already felt slightly better.... Not by much though.

"Oh no, Adam. Looks like Anthony didn't cum.... We can't have that now, can we?" Max smirked, his hands assaulting the poor Italians bruised body, returning to biting and licking at his red neck.

"No-no.... Plea-pleaaassee~." He moaned at the last part when Max sucked on the sensitive part of his neck.

"You say no, but your body says otherwise."

Anthony cursed, looking over towards Adam. He started sobbing, shaking his head over and over again.

"M-max please. St-sto-stop. I s-said no."

He bit on a very sensitive part of Anthony's neck, resulting in said man screaming in pure pleasure.

"If you don't come, I'll have to go and give Adam some treatment. And it won't be as pleasurable for him as it is for you right now."

The Italian glanced over at Adam, who shook his head.

"No, Anthony, don't do it."

Suddenly, Adam started convulsing, waves of electricity flowing through his binds around his wrists.

Anthony viciously nodded his head, and the shocks to Adam's body stopped.

"F-fine." He sobbed.

"That's a good boy~." Max continued to pleasure Anthony, pumping him with one hand as his other played with his nipple.

Anthony closed his eyes, tilting his head back. He was pretending everything that Max did was Adam, so it made it slightly easier.

"Oooooh~." Anthony whispered, completely lost as his vision of Adam took over.

This went on for another 30 seconds before a particularly rough tug on his member, and a bite on his neck had made Chilled cum, with a scream of "Adam!~." leaving his mouth.

Max pretended to not hear what the Italian said, just removing his hands from his body.

"I'll come back later, my love~."

And with that, Max swiftly left, leaving the two alone.

Chilled broke, started to sob so hard he could barely breathe.

"I'm-I'm so s-sorry Ad-Adam. I'm so f-fucking so-sorry." He continued to cry, sons racking his whole body.

"Anthony, Hun. Stop. I'm not mad...well I am mad. But most certainly not at you. I love you. I know you were just doing what you had to in order to protect me. And the moans and such were just your body's natural response. The fact that you were crying showed that you weren't enjoying it at all. So I'm not mad at you. I'm pissed at Max, and the second I get out of here, you bet your ass I'm going to kill him."

Adam took a pause, trying to catch his breath. Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind.

"Renee!" He yelled, and the Italian gave him a look of confusion.

"Renee! She is the one who gave me the address to this place.... Before I left she told me that if I didn't call her within 24 hours, she would call the police...... I hope she was being honest when she said that. She may be our only hope."

Anthony smiled, dry tear marks on his face. "We may actually get out of here."

"Yes, baby. We might." Adam said with hope and confidence in his voice.

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