Chapter 9!!!

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Chapter Nine

(Rob’s P.O.V.)

I watched as she disappeared, hair streaming behind her, tears dripping down her face. My heart felt like it had been punched. Punched hard. Her words had hit me like a ton of bricks. They were all true. Every single word. It was absolutely positive that Josie hated my guts. She DEFINITELY didn’t care about me. Now I had no chance at all with her. All because I had messed up. Why did I have to go with Jessica over to where they were? Because you were jealous, a little voice rang inside my head. Shut up, I snapped inside my thoughts. But it was true. I was jealous. Jealous when I saw them.

Austin glared at me. “I can’t believe you. You absolute idiotic jerk. You’ve hurt the poor girl enough times. Just leave us alone.”

He shook his head at me, and then turned to Jessica.

“And don’t you dare hurt Josie again, bimbo, otherwise something bad is going to happen to lover boy here,” he threatened.

Then he walked off. I turned and glared at Jessica.

“What the hell was that for?” I snarled.

Jessica rolled her eyes. “She was being mean to you! You should be thanking me.”

I frowned. “Slapping people across their faces isn’t the right thing to do! Anyway, I deserved what she said.”

Jessica’s face scrunched up. “You like her-don’t you? It’s so obvious. Even a ditzy bimbo like me can tell. You were just using me to get her, weren’t you?”

Wow...she had more brains than I could credit her for...

“WEREN’T YOU?” screeched Jessica.

The hall was well empty by now, and it already 10 minutes into class time.

“Um?” I said.

I waved my hand, dismissively. “Whatever. In case you didn’t realise, everyone uses you. Tina only uses you cuz’ you follow what she says.”

Jessica sniffed, and then tore off. I sighed. What was I going to do with Josie? I had to apologize to her. And then I realised something. My little crush had turned into something bigger. Not love, actual crush. I would have to fight to get her. I couldn’t give up. I would have to fight that idiot, Austin and get her. With the new thought in my head, I walked to class, smiling.


(Josie’s P.O.V)

I ran down the streets, and over the hill, then onto the beach. I closed my eyes and inhaled the sea smell. The beach was my calm, peace and tranquillity spot. Whenever I was feeling angry, annoyed or upset, I’d run down to the beach, and sit down and just look out at the sea. I quickly plopped down on the sand, and gazed out at the horizon. The beach helped me clear all my thoughts.

Right now, the beach was empty because everyone was either at work or school. Which is where you should be now, a niggling thought in my brain told me. Nup, I was never going back. I couldn’t face the wrath of other classmates that had witnessed that embarrassing situation. Somehow I would try and persuade Mum and Dad to let me be home-schooled...

Sure, I’m miss Austin and Mary-Kate, but they could visit anytime.


Puzzled, I swivelled around. Austin came tearing down the beach, a worried expression on his face. He enveloped me into a hug. I burst into tears, my tears dampening his T-Shirt.

“Sssshhh, it’s okay,” Austin whispered, wiping away my tears.

I sniffed. “I-I’m sorry.’

“No, it’s okay,” Austin answered, in a hushed tone. “It’s going to be okay.”

I brought my head off his T-Shirt and glanced at him. “Why aren’t you at school?”

Austin smiled. “Because I was worried about you.”

I smiled back. “Thank you.”

Now, I did have actual feelings for him. How did I not notice before? He was caring, thoughtful and kind.

We sat back down on the beach, his arms around me, holding me tight in his warm embrace. We sat there until what seemed like forever, and then Austin got up.

“C’mon, it’s getting late,” he said, pulling me gently up.

I smiled and nodded. He dropped me off home.

“Thank you so much...for everything,” I told him, sincerely.

Austin nodded. “Really, it’s so problem at all. Call me if you need me-okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

He kissed my forehead, and then walked off. I inhaled, and knew Mum was going to explode off at me. Dad was at work so he couldn’t explode at me.

I let myself in. “Mum? Muuuuum!”

She stalked through the doorframe, her face clouded with anger. Oh no.

‘Where have you been, young lady?” she snapped.

I sighed. “Something happened at school, and I...I ran to the beach.”

Mum knew that the beach was my tranquillity and peace spot-so her face softened a little. “Sweetheart, the school rang me saying that you didn’t appear for the last two classes! Why didn’t you call me?”

I bit my lip, sheepishly. ‘Um...I guess...I kind of forgot...”

Mum sighed. “Would you like to share anything with me?”

Mum was a great listener...but I wasn’t prepared to share it with her...yet. I shook my head.

“No, don’t worry Mum, I got it all under control,” I tried to reassure her.

Mum raised an eyebrow. “If you had it all under control, why did you run out of school and to the beach?”

I exhaled. “I couldn’t take peer pressure! Mum, just leave the subject alone.”

Mum frowned. “Fine...but if anything else happens...”

I nodded, and ran to my room before she could say anything. I locked myself into my room, collapsed on the bed and checked my iPhone for any texts.

10 from Mary-Kate...3 from Austin...surprisingly none from Rob? Disappointed, I scrolled through Mary-Kate’s texts. I thought he’d at least send one to say sorry. Wait...why was I feeling disappointed that Rob hadn’t apologised? I hated him now, he was no longer part of my life. Exhausted, I replied to every single message, forgetting about Rob.


Ooooh, how will Rob going to 'fight' for Josie? Aren't Josie and Austin so cute?

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