Chapter 4!!! : Picture of Austin Kelly

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I walked through the car park. Unfortunately Mary-Kate called me to say she had a stomach bug. Fortunately, she told me she would still help me pick an outfit for tonight’s date. So, I had, had to walk to school by myself. Immediately I saw some couple making out against the brick wall. I pulled a face, disgusted. Couldn’t they find somewhere a little more private?

The guy turned his head around. I gasped a little. It was Rob.

I mean, I’d seen him making out with girls...but somehow, this time I seemed more shocked and...Hurt? Why the hell was I feeling hurt? He’d done nothing to me! Oh, well, apart from trying to prevent me from going on that date, but still.

He was making out with some blonde ditzy bimbo.

I tried not to gag, and hurriedly strode past.

“Hey Josie,” a voice rang out.

I turned around and smiled when I spotted Austin walking towards me. I waved.

“You haven’t forgotten about tonight right?” he asked, blushing when said the word ‘date’.

Awww, he was just too cute. I smiled, broadly. “How can I forget something so special?”

Austin chuckled. ‘Right. Well, I was thinking we could head to Max’s Coffee? It has really good hot chocolate...”

I nodded. “Sure. Catch you later.”

He grinned, and waved goodbye. I turned back around to face my locker. Whoa! A body was standing in front of me. I stepped back, and narrowed my eyes at Rob.

“What?” I snarled.

Instead of retaliating, Rob just smiled, sadly. “You still going on that date?”

I laughed unhumourlessly. “Like you care. You’d rather be sucking off some bimbo’s face.”

Rob frowned, biting his lip. I couldn’t help but think how cute Rob looked when he did that. Aargh, stupid, traitorous, annoying brain! Cute and Rob could not be put into the same sentence!  

“Well...I’m just afraid he’ll hurt you,” he mumbled.

I exhaled. “So, let me get this right. You hurt so many girls, playing them and cheating on them, and then you care about Austin, who is the opposite of you, and is actually caring and thoughtful, and think HE is going to hurt me?”

Rob squeezed his eyes shut. “Wait, that came out wrong-‘

I held up my hand, shutting him up. “Rob, just stop. Just...don’t bother with me okay? Just...stop meddling in my life, and focus on your own.”

I slid my books out of my locker, slammed it shut, and stormed off.


Rob’s P.O.V.

I watched her angry figure storm off down the hall. By this time, the bell had gone, and everyone had left. I may as well say goodbye to any chance with Josie. Not that I really had one, but now, it was 100% over. She definitely didn’t trust me. I guess I just felt jealous. I knew Austin was her first date. I guess I was jealous that Austin had taken her first date, and not me. First dates are always very special. I sighed. My Maths teacher was going to kill me. I trudged to class, dragging my bag.



I jumped out of my thoughts. I stared at Coach Miller, blankly. “Uh...yes Coach?”


Wow, I’d never seen Coach so angry before. I quickly saluted back.

“Yes Coach, sorry Coach, will never happen again Coach,” I quickly told him.

He sniffed. “Better be. Because of vegetable Carter here, give me 100 push-ups and 50 sit-ups!”

Everyone groaned. We all got up.

“Good job Rob, really good job, mate,” muttered Rick, slapping me really hard on the back.

I guess I deserved that. I’d been thinking about Josie and stupid Austin the whole training session. What if they got together? I’d never live that down. I mean, I just couldn’t’ see Josie with anyone else but me. Selfish? I know.

After our session ended and I got changed, my mates and I went up to bleachers. A group of girls were waiting for us. One of them was Tina Matthews, Rick’s girlfriend.

The others were her three cronies. Immediately, Rick and Tina started making out.

“Hi Rob, wanna continue this morning’s catch-up?” asked one of Tina’s cronies, Jessica Hardtley (who I had made out with this morning), flirtily.

I smiled, sadly.  “Nah sorry Jess...not really in the mood.”

Jessica sidled up to me, fluttering her eyelashes. “Aw, well I bet I could change that.”

She was now literally pressed up to me. Ugh. I strongly pushed her away.

“Seriously Jess, enough is enough,” I told her, flatly.

I could tell Jessica wasn’t used to being rejected. She narrowed her eyes at me, flipping her hair. “Whatever Rob, you’re missing on a huge chance here!”

I rolled my eyes. Please, I’d had enough drama for the day!


I covered my eyes. Boy, could that girl scream!

She stalked off. Tina looked back.

“Oh great, she in one of her moods,” she moaned. “Catch you later.’

She quickly kissed Rick goodbye, and hurried after Jessica. The other two cronies zoomed after them.

“Dude are you okay?” asked Damien, actually concerned.

I shrugged. “Just caught up in thoughts.”

“Anything you want to share with us?” asked Eric, with the same concerned expression like the other two.

Wow, them offering to listen to me? I must really look depressed or something!

I quickly plastered on a fake smile. “Nah-don’t worry dude. Hey, I’ll treat you all to some ice-cream okay?”

They all broke into grins.

“Oh yeah!” yelled Eric.

“Free ice-cream!” Damien piped up.


I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I’d got them off the hook!


3 uploads in one day! Ain't I a genius? Um yeah...I may mess up my past and present tenses so sorry! Um, yeah...don't forget to vote, comment and fan :D

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