Chapter 8!!! : Picture of Jessica Hardtley

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Chapter Eight

(Josie’s P.O.V)

“Marty Collins is so incredibly cute!” screeched Mary-Kate.

I rolled my eyes. “Yep, sure.”

Mary-Kate narrowed her eyes at me. “No-really.”

I waved my hand, dismissively. “Yes, yes. Marty Collins is extremely cute. Happy?”

Mary-Kate pouted. “Hey! I’m the one going for him! You CANNOT under any circumstances, call Marty Collins cute!”

I sighed, exasperated. Why did I have such a complicated best friend?

Before I could reply, Miss Hastings cleared her throat. Miss Hastings was Mary-Kate’s sworn enemy. Not really mine-but DEFINITELY Mary-Kate’s. Mary-Kate would complain 45 minutes before the actual class about how annoying and rude Miss Hastings was.

“Is there anything you’d like to kindly share to the class?” Miss Hastings snarled.

Mary-Kate glared at her. “No Miss Stings.”

Miss Hastings turned red. “Miss Lawler! I do not accept unacceptable name-calling! Detention after school!”

Mary-Kate gritted her teeth. “Yes Miss STINGS!”

She made sure to yell out the last word. Miss Hastings glared at Mary-Kate before turning her back, and writing the last of the maths equation.

I snickered. “Nice one.”

Mary-Kate smirked back. We slapped each other a high-five under the table.


“So we’re on for a second date, right?” asked Austin, nervously. “I promise it’ll be more romantic and private! I am SO sorry for that interruption really, I don’t know why-

I pressed my index finger against his mouth, shutting him up. “Stop rambling. I really didn’t mind. We are DEFINITELY on for a second date.’

He blushed, and I took away my finger. “Phew. I was really worried I’d stuffed up.”

I grinned. He really did care for me. “Don’t worry about it.”

We walked into the corridor. Mary-Kate had texted me saying she was going to had gone for a dentist’s appointment. Honestly, I didn’t get why she needed one. I swear, Mary-Kate has the best teeth I know. She’s got these pearly-whites that everybody is jealous of. She barely brushes her teeth as well! I reached my locker, Austin behind me. Suddenly, in one swift motion, Austin had spun me around, and pinned me against the lockers, hands on either side of me.

“Sorry sweetheart,” he smirked.

I laughed. “No worries dear.”

“Ugh, get a room,” came a voice nearby.

Austin whirled around, standing next to me. The voice belonged to none other than the jerk, Rob. And standing next to him was that bimbo he had been sucking the face up, Jessica. I narrowed my eyes at him. Honestly, why couldn’t he just leave me alone?

“Oh you are such a hypocrite,” I sneered. “Look who proudly sucks up the face on every single girl in the school in front of everybody. We weren’t even kissing, Einstein.”

“Like, you were about to!” squealed Jessica.

I turned and gave her a death glare. She death-glared back.

“Shut up bimbo,” I snarled. “No one asked you for your opinion.”

Jessica gasped, and then narrowed her eyes. She strode up to me, then in a flash, slapped me fiercely right across my face. I gasped.

She smirked, triumphantly. “That’s what you get, loser, for messing with me.”

The slap had been seriously hard, and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Austin immediately slipped a protective arm around me, pulling me close to him. I glanced up to see Rob’s gloating face. What the hell? Just when I thought he’d gotten a little nicer and sweeter, he...just stands there and watch me be literally bullied?

Tears slid down my face. “Stop gloating Rob, it makes you look uglier you already are. I thought you’d changed, for the better, but it looks like you haven’t. You’ll always stay the same, mean, cold-hearted, obnoxious, idiotic, heartless person you are. I’m not even going to bother with you anymore. Go away and leave me alone. I don’t need people like you are meddling with my life.”

I let out a sob, and raced away before anyone could see me blub. I ran out of the school, vowing not to ever come back.


Awwww, so much drama! Poor Josie! Anyway, thanks for reading

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