Chapter 5!!! : Picture of Josie's date hair and shirt

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(Josie’s P.O.V.)

“Wait what did you say?’ I asked. “The pink top or the purple?”

Mary-Kate exhaled, loudly. “JOSIE! I said THE BLACK! ARE YOU DEAF OR WHAT?’

I covered my ears, scrunching up my face. “Whoa calm down, geez.’

Mary-Kate threw up her hands in the air with frustration. “You are SOOOOOOO annoying!’

I quickly picked up the black top. “No, this is horrible.”

Mary-Kate pursed her lips. “You are so picky, I swear.”

She scanned the room, and her eyes lit up. “Ooooh, this is perfect!”

She quickly scooped up a white top with a black neckline. I sighed, and held it up to me.

“So?” I prompted.

Mary-Kate grinned. “Awesome! Aaaand, I know what will totally suit it!”

She grabbed a pair of black jeggings (leggings/jeans, even I knew what they were), and tossed them to me. I fumbled, and just managed to grab hold of one leg.

“Go try it on!” she cried.

I sighed, and hurried to the bathroom. I emerged seconds later. I twirled around.

“Happy?” I asked.

Mary-Kate grinned. “YES! Okay, I’ll do your makeup and hair now!”

She sat me down, and whizzed through my makeup and hair. 10 minutes later, she stepped back. I sneezed. Boy, the perfume and hairspray were overwhelming!

“Look at yourself!” sang Mary-Kate.

I reluctantly, swivelled around so I was facing the mirror. My jaw dropped open. Omigosh! My hair wasn’t all messy all over the place like normal. She had carefully curled it so now it was in masses of waves. She’d put the right amount of blush so it didn’t look too fake and looked natural. My eyebrows looked less bushy (thank god for that!) and I looked actually pretty.

“THANK YOU!” I screeched, leaping up from the chair, and squeezing Mary-Kate into a hug. How had I not noticed my best friend was a hair and makeup pro?

Mary-Kate laughed. “It’s fine.”

Then she burst into a coughing fit. “You can let go of me now Jose.”

Ooops. I’d forgotten she was sick. I quickly let go of her, brushing my shirt down.

Ding! Ding!

My eyes widened. “Oh no-he’s here! How should I react? What should I say? What should I order? Do I look fine? What if he kisses me? What if I make a fool out of myself? What if-

“SHUT UP!” yelled Mary-Kate.

That definitely shut me up. I stared at her, eyes wide.

Mary-Kate exhaled. “Josie, you’re going to be fine-okay? Just be yourself! Austin likes only the real you! You will be okay-trust me!’

I nodded, exhaling then inhaling. “Got it, got it.”

“I’ll open the door, and then you gracefully come down the stairs,” Mary-Kate told me.

I stifled a giggle. “Uh, it’s not like its prom or anything and I make a dramatic appearance.’

Mary-Kate rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m opening the door.”

She zoomed to the door and flung it open to reveal Austin. I quickly hurried after her. Austin’s eyes bugged out when he saw me.

“Wow um...Josie,” he stammered.

I bit my lip and waved. “Um, hey Austin.”

A dazzling smile spread across his face. “You look gorgeous!”

I laughed. “Aw, thanks! You too!”

And I wasn’t lying. He did look handsome. His hair was gelled up-which made him look even cuter.

(Rob’s P.O.V.)

I yawned, as I got out of Dad’s car. He was dropping something off at the Greenwoods’ and I decided to tag along.

I frowned as I glimpsed someone standing on the doorstep. Who was that? I squinted. Well, it definitely was a hair...oh crap! It was the stupid Austin Kelly! I had forgotten he and Josie were going on a date! Damn.

Dad and I stepped closer to the house. Then I gasped. Austin grinned, and stepped back. Walking out of the house was Josie. And she looked...beautiful. Her hair was all curled and rippling around her shoulders (and not messy like she usually had it), and she had makeup on, and a good selection of clothing. I gaped at her.

“C’mon whipped boy, let’s get moving,” chuckled Dad.

I turned and glared at him. Josie and Austin hadn’t noticed I’d appeared yet. Then they turned around, and both noticed me and Dad walking up the front yard. Immediately Josie’s smile turned upside down. Wow...did she really hate me THAT much?

“Hi Josie,” Dad called.

Josie smiled at my Dad, before narrowing her eyes at me.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

I glanced at Dad for some moral support. He just held up his hands, shook his head and then walked past them and into the house.

“I-I-I-,” I stammered.

“Hi Rob!” Austin greeted me. I gritted my teeth.

“Hi Austin,” I snapped, balling my fists.

It made it worst that Austin was a nice and non-possessive and non-jealous guy. It’d make it better if he was the opposite. Then I could somehow persuade Josie he was the bad guy and get her for myself.

“You never answered my question,” Josie sighed, tapping her foot on the concrete, impatiently.

“I’m here with Dad to drop off some things,” I sighed.

Josie’s face broke into a smile. “Oh-good. You’re not here to sabotage the date. Okay, c’mon Austin!”

He waved at me and then they got into his car and sped off. I stared after it.

Damn, should’ve thought of it. wasn’t too late to try!


Oooh, naughty Rob! Anyway, what do you think? Comment, vote and fan pretty please! Thanks for the reads guys :)

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