~Part XI.~

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 Time passed quickly and you still couldn't write anything to Hyunjin. Isn't it strange? You weren't sure why you kissed him back and most importantly not the kiss part bothered you the most, you were curious why you said you love him back? Did you really love Hyunjin back, or you were bewitched by how good he looked and how sweet he was that he came to rescue you, his lips really felt like heaven and it was the first kiss of your life, so maybe these facts just clouded your mind and that's why you said that you are in love with him as well. But wait a minute... What the actual heck are you talking about?! The most confusing part is that he was the first, who kissed you and then gave you a totally nonsense and absurd confession. Is he playing a joke on you? No, he was too sincere, you needed to know what is the truth because you couldn't think about anything else. The kiss scene burnt into your memory and it's startled you every time how affected you felt by him. You can't help yourself, you should have prepared for the worst, he is a tempting beauty after all, who can get everyone if he wants just with a single glance. 

Also, you were worrying more and more with every passing day because your father still didn't call or texted you, what's happening? Things getting unusual lately. When you were on the edge of your patience and decided to call Hyunjin, he sent you a message on Kakaotalk. When you saw the noflication, you took a deep breath and thought about the worst scenarios but he only asked you to meet with him in one of the nearby cafes. Well, it wasn't that bad after all, speaking face to face about the problem sounded better after all. You quickly dressed up and made your way to the agreed place. Your heart was reacing and you put extra effort into your outfit as well to look as good as it possible but why? He is just Hyunjin,  still your fake boyfriend, nothing else, the kiss shouldn't change your feelings, you were sure he was just joking with you there is no way that you have a place in his heart, after all you are just an ordinary college student compared to him. Who is not famous, nor incredibly beautiful. You sat down with a knot in your stomach, the air felt suffocating in the cafe. While you were waiting for him between the pastel colored walls, you ordered a matcha latte and tried your best to calm your nervs down: 

- Hi Y/N! - when you heard his soft voice and saw his face, you almost  chocked on your drink. He looked so good, even in a simple blue shirt.  You didn't know what to say just greeted him as well, why is it feels so formal like he is a stranger. He wasn't a stranger but he was someone who gave your first kiss to you, this thought caused goosebumps on your arms. 

- Have you been well? - he asked you with a smile. He seemed kind, not angry at all. 

- Yeah, I guess... - it wasn't true, how can you feel yourself unpressured when he kissed you a few days ago and even conffessed his love to you? You were sure, it's just a misunderstanding, everytime you looked at him, you realized, he is too charming and beautiful. You didn't deserve someone like him and if you believe in fairytails and start to think that you have a chance, the result will be the same, just like with Felix. 

- You know, I wanted to talk about our.... "first kiss". - his voice came out as quiet as a whisper and looked down, avoiding your gaze. It's not a good sign, his expression became troubled, you couldn't control yourself anymore, before he was able to continue you said: 

- It doesn't matter! You were.... You pity me, right? Because of Arnold and my father, it's understandable, I didn't take it seriously, not even for a minute. I know, I said back to you that I love you but it was just... You know, in that situation it felt right to say it. However,  you had your reasons for sure to say it, but don't worry, I won't misunderstand this. 

- Woah... Y/N, are you being honest right now? It meant nothing? 

- Yeah!!  For you as well, so it meant nothing to me as well! We were a little bit overhelmed that night, I was stressed and I felt so grateful that you helped me. For some reason it happened but I know how to deal with it, so please don't try to explain it... - maybe, these words are too harsh? You bit your lips and glanced at him, he turned his gaze in another direction: 

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