~Part II.~

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It was the most horrible week of your life, it felt like everything crumbling into pieces and you lost control. During your friendship with Felix, you were always aware of the fact that one day, he will eventually fall in love and leave you behind but you weren't prepared yet. You just got back your amazing friend and now, it's seemed that nothing will be the same ever again. Your chest felt heavy everyday and you couldn't think about anything else just him... All day and all night, just him.... His perfect smile, those little freckles around his nose, what you adored dearly. But, the worst thing was still, that horrbile thought, which kept you awake at nights. How does she looks like?

Sure, she is pretty, with long legs, and slim waist, her skin should be pale and clear, like a spotless glass. These thoughts tormented you and the question was always repeating on your mind: I want to be like her, how can I be like her? Of course, you didn't want to show your sadness to the world, nor to Felix. But, your texts with him became shorter and shorter day by day. He was busy with practises and when he had time, he naturally wanted to spend with his new girlfriend. You had time to yourself, everything was the same, like the first month, when you came to Seoul. Loneliness was your only company.

At mornings, you went to the university, tried to forget him, pass the time with learning, rather than waiting for him to message you. At afternoons you went to the library, but quickly you realised reading love novels, didn't ease your mind, it's just put more pressure on your heart. At nights, you watched horror movies, and avoid every romcom, what you previously started. At the beginning it helped you to distract yourself but after a while, it became way too scary for you.

One particular night, you heared strange noises from upstairs, which was a little bit unusual since no one lived on the top floor. You lived in the outer side of the city, in a small rent, and the buliding wasn't that fancy as well. The housekeeper ajumma warned you to check always the windows, that all of them is properly closed, because in the neighbourhood there were a lot of burglary. So, after the horror movies with your broken heart, you were more than afraid.

" Keep your calm Y/N, maybe it's just a cat or something else, that floor is absolutely uninhabited... Omo, what if ghosts are living there?" - you thought to yourself while covering your head with the bedsheets. You couldn't sleep that night, also when something loudly cracked on the upper floor, your imgination went wild and you almost had a panick attack.

Next day, you were tired and grumpy. You left your flat in a hurry, because you were already late. Before heading to the university, you checked your phone for the last time, just like you expected there weren't any message from Felix. You sighed and just gave up every remanining hope.

"He doesn't wants to be my friend anymore? What if his girlfiend told him, that she is not happy, if he is with me? Felix, you really forget our friendship for that girl, right? Well, I guess I can understand this, I'm not mad... I'm sure, I am nothing compared to her..." - you shooked your head, these depressing thoughts can't bring you down today! You will have a presentation today, also you have to learn for your approaching exams. You have no time for this useless meditation on Felix's relationship. It's his business only, you should be happy and supporting, because if he is screaming from joy, you should scream from joy as well, not from the pain and betrayal, you felt.

You got an excellent grade for your presentation, you were more that satisfied so you decided to treat yourself in a nearby cafe, with a frappucino and with a blueberry muffin. While, you were eating, you started learning for the exams as well. Time passed easily, you spent two hours in the cafe, listening to music and reading the notes from your lectures. You almost felt asleep, when your phone ranged and it's really frightened you:

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