~Part V. ~

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You didn't remember how you managed to find home after that night, but one thing surely stucked in your mind. You thought, you maybe just imagined the whole situation, he truly disliked you why would he ask you to be his fake girlfriend just to make up for the sasaeng attack and help you get close to Felix again? You honestly didn't believe it that this whole fake dating is a good idea. It's useless at this point. Still, you couldn't get out of your head. Maybe, he is right and you should give it a try?

Hyunjin is so handsome and popular, that there is no one on this planet who wouldn't want him to be her boyfriend. Felix never seen you with another boy before, also you guys never talked about your love life because every part of your life revolved around him. There is a chance that you can make him jealous with that? If there is really a slim chance, you have to try it just for your pride. But isn't it better just let it go after all these suffering?

Your phone's ringtone brought you back into reality:

- Halo? - you asked, still sleepy.

- Y/N, where are you? - all the tiredness eventually gone, when you heard Hyunjin's voice from the other side:

- Why is it important for you? - he just sighed at your incomprehension.

- Do I have to explain it again?! Tonight, you should come over to the dorm! I want to introduce my new girlfriend.

- Listen Hyunjin, I don't think that I'm able to do this. Yesterday, maybe I drank a little bit more than I had to. That's why I agreed on it, but now that I'm sober I see things differently.

- Nope, there is no coming back! Y/N.... I was so generous that I offered you this once for a life time chance and now you say that you can't do it? You have to realize what a kind person I am! - "Kind, my butt, you annoying prick!" - you thought to yourself and tried not to say out loudly:

- You have to ask someone else! Just let me die in peace from sadness, okay?

- Nah, you come over tonight and wear something fancy, like yesterday, also do something with your hair! It looks gross! - you almost chocked on your own saliva, this boy seriously, you just want to slap him:

- Wa... Wait...

- Okay, then let's meet at 6 infront of the building! Bye-bye honey! - he said with a cheerful tone and then, hanged up the phone. You wanted to scream from your building nervousness. There is no way, that anyone can believe this absurdness! You are not even at the same level with Hyunjin, how can you make a glow up till your encounter? You have five hours to do something with yourself and look a little bit more pretty than your usualself.

This might won't be a bad idea, you hoped Felix will see you in a new light after tonight.


You were a little bit more lucky today, because one week before, you made an appointment to a hair salon. Your hair was freshly dyed and perfectly adjusted, also you was wearing one of your new clothes. It was a white, sleevless mini dress, with heart patterns but because of the weather you underneath it put a pastel pink blouse on. Also, you did your makeup as well. At the last minute, while you were waiting outside of the dorm's building shaking from the cold and because of the excitement in your uncomfortable higheels, you realized that now you are really doing this and from now on you have to do your best and use your so far non existing acting skills to make this whole fake dating an ostensible true one.

Hyunjin came right on time, he was so good looking that you almost forgot about the fact, how much you disliked him a moment ago. He was also suprised, that you looked different than usual, and this different look absolutely made you stunning:

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