~Part IX.~

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"It's already happened three years ago, it was the first time, when I realized I'm in love with my best friend. Our class threw a party before the summer vacation to celebrate the last day of school together. Also, it was the first  time for me to go in a homeparty. In the half of the 11th grade, I tried out ruthless diet method, okay, it's not a method actually I just ate as little as possible to lose weight. It's worked out, so when I got the invitation to the party, I finally succeeded in something! Still, I felt like I have long way to go, I wanted to get my first kiss as well, before I graduated. It didn't matter, who will be lucky one, I just wanted to get through it before I leave the high school. I know, it's sounds stupid and foolish if I think about this now but I was 17 years old and an outsider, who got no attention from her classmates. So, when I came to the party, I had high expectations. 

My fashion sense wasn't that good back then I used to wear a black oversize T-shirt, a hoodie and a torn vans slip on ( of course it was black too ). When I showed up in my regular outfit, the queen bee started to tease me about my appareance. She was such a little chit, always gossiping and getting into other's business, plus, she was madly in love with my best friend so she hated me even more becase I was close to Felix: 

- Y/N, even if you eat like a Victoria Secret modell, you won't be one of them! I hope you know this, and please let me buy you a new pair of shoes...  - I should knew it from the beginning I'm not fit in and I will never fit in! Why I let myself believe that this whole thing will be fun? My phone buzzed, Felix texted me: "Come upstairs, I managed to save a whole pizza for u 🍕💕" He was such an excellent friend, always caring and sweet. It's made me smile a little bit, after their mean comments. I went upstairs to meet Felix, who was giggling with a pizza box in his hands. I gulped, it smelled so good, I barely ate anything on that day. 

- It has vegetable on it. - he said, you smiled: 

- Tomato sauce doesn't count as a vegetable Lix. 

- You need to eat something Y/N, you are already skinny enough, please believe me... - sometimes it's better if you don't start a fight, naturally I couln't believe in his words but I followed him to one of the bedrooms to share the pizza slices, it was way more better anyway then being alone downstairs, with those loud teens. We settled down on the bed, Felix sat in front of me and opened up the box: 

- It's funny! Usually in a homeparty, people don't sneak into bedrooms to eat pizza alone. - Felix chuckled and bite into a slice: 

- Do you think, sex is better than a pizza? Don't be such a dummy! - I instantly regretted it that I brought this topic up:

- I don't know, I only know how is it feel like to eat pizza.. - admitting this, made my heart race. Felix stared deeply in my eyes: 

- That's why you still feel yourself unattractive? Because, this fact won't make you ugly...

- Shut it! I know... But, isn't it awkward that I don't have any experience? I've never kissed as well... - my honesty was overflowing at that moment. Felix put down the pizza and wiped his lips: 

- Should I kiss you then? - my mind stoped working, I wanted to get a real kiss from someone jut to experience it but being kissed by Felix, sounded somehow interesting and it's made me curious: 

- Uhm, do you want to? - Felix nodded: 

- I want you to feel yourself beautiful in your skin and maybe after the kiss, you will eat pizza with me. 

- It's such a lame excuse. - he kneeled up and leaned closer, my breath caught in my lungs and my mind went blank. I've never been this close to him before, I noticed how many cute freckles run along on his cheeks. He tugged my hair behind my ears, his eyes were full with adoration and my heart skipped a beat. I was sure, that my face is completely covered with blush. How can he manage it to have such a big affect on me? Our foreheads touched,  I grabbed the sheets under my hands and closed my eyes, I couldn't wait anymore I just really desired his lips on mine but then... Our classmates came in with a polaroid camera and shoot a photo of us, they laughed so hard that the intimate moment was gone immediately: 

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