🖤Part XVIII.🤍

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Since he spent the night at your flat, you decided to let him sleep in your bed and you texted Lexy that you will use her bedroom.  It was a little bit uncomfortable since she will probably arrive early in the morning and you were afraid that Hyunjin will be there and if they meet maybe she will recognize him. There is a chance that she will make a scene and beg you to meet with him again? What if she tells everyone at the school you won't survive it if another rumor will make your life miserable and give a chance to your stalker to attack you again. Also, you knew it that one of the hardest tasks is waking him up. Before going to bed at 4 am you had to set your alarm. It's such a shame to sleep only two hours but you don't want to get in an awkward situation. 

Unfortunately, it didn't go as you planned because your phone was on mute and you slept peacefully but Hyunjin woke up before you. He couldn't sleep, he was surrounded by your delicate scent and those memories of you haunted him again. He wanted to leave as soon as possible, what he was thinking when he came here? It makes everything more difficult if he can't let you go. What he was expecting that you will leave Felix and say he is the only one just because he came to your house to search for reassurance? 

The living room seemed dark in the dim lights of the dawn. He quickly changed and grabbed his stuff but he wasn't ready to leave. Staring at the direction of the door in front of him made his cheeks slightly pink. He just wanted to go in and tell you how grateful he is that you let him stay here and helped him to cheer up. Of course, he wanted to tell you how much he loves you even if you won't believe him. Without realizing he slowly opened the door, you were still sleeping, sheets tangled around your body and your hair was a total mess around your face. He still admired your sleeping form though, stepping closer and kneeling down next to the bed. 

- Am I a total creep Y/N? Watching you like a psycho. - you were still deep in sleep, your lips parted as you rubbed your face closer to the warmth of the pillow. His heart melted at your sight, how can you be so cute? He tilted his head to the side to see you better. 

- I know you don't hear this Y/N, even if you hear it... You can't believe in my words but I wish I can be the one next to you, even if the whole thing is fake, I just want to be right by your side. If I can go back in time I would treat you better, hold your hands more and don't say harsh things to you. I guess I really lost this time. - he looked at you and chuckled: 

- I don't know why I like you tho, you look like a sleeping dumpling now. 

- Dumpling sounds so yummy. - you mumbled in your sleep, you were almost half-awake and Hyunjin panicked that you heard him. Even if he was serious, the thought of you hearing him right now seemed scary. He blushed and stared at the direction of the window, someone was chattering loudly in front of the flat. Suddenly your warning came across his mind that your roommate will arrive today. He went closer to the window and peaked through the curtains: 

An expensive car was parking nearby and a tall and blonde man was helping a young girl with her suitcases. There is no doubt! She is your roommate but the man was familiar to him. Did they meet before? He tried to remember and when he could get a glimpse from his face... Shock ran through his veins: 

- It's him! - Hyunjin gasped and put his hand on his rapidly racing heart. "It's him, It's him!" - he couldn't stop repeating in his head. He was 100% sure that this man is the same with whom your father wanted you to marry. He went to the restaurant on that night and acted as your boyfriend to help you out from the set-up marriage thing. That's why your father got mad at you. But is this girl really your roommate? If the answer is a "yes" why she is with him? What's the relationship between them? He wanted to wake you up and tell you but you asked only one thing from him yesterday that he needs to disappear before your roommate arrives. He wanted to get out as quickly as possible to avoid meeting with her but as soon as he reached the front door, it flew open: 

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