~🏁Part XXlll.🏁~

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After the long day finally he arrived home safely, he didn't feel any tiredness since his head was full of worries but also somehow he was excited since you were waiting for him. It's crazy he couldn't even believe it completely that right now you are in his house, in his room and you are waiting for him patiently to return. But also Hyunjin knew that this is the last day that he can spend in a peaceful way with you. If he wants to save you from Lexy he needs to act coldly towards you it isn't going to be easy and he cannot tell you about his plan because maybe you will try to stop him. You are always like this just trying to be kind and save to everyone and then you are the one who ends up being the victim. No, he won't let you sacrifice yourself again. He needs to make this night a memorable one and he wanted to show you how much you mean to him. 

He opened the door slowly and carefully in case if you are already fell asleep. For his surprise you were still awake, there were candles on the table and the air was full with delicious scents. You were putting the boiling pot in the middle of the table:

- Y/N?! -Hyunjin couldn't even blink he was shocked that you were setting all this up for him. 

- I wanted to surprise you Hyunjin! You were letting me stay in your house, so I cleaned up and I thought I will make you something to eat. Is it too much? - you asked awkwardly you didn't want to step over the line and make him feel uncomfortable. 

- Are you kidding me?! You are amazing Y/N! But you don't have to do all these things for me... I'm happy that you are by my side and you are safe. - he smiled at you and his little dimples were showing on the corner of his lips. 

- Let's eat then, you must be exhausted! I also made the bed for you! So you can lie down after the dinner. 

- Thank you Y/N, you are being way too nice. - he tugged the hair behind your which made you feel a tiny hope that maybe he will lean closer to kiss you. Shaking your head rapidly you turned your attention back to reality: 

- Let's eat the dinner! - Hyunjin nodded and sat down next to the table. 

- I bought the tteoppokki sauce at the convenience store so it shouldn't taste like coins this time.

- Don't even mention that one, it had a terrible taste. - he said while he put a piece of fish cake at the top of the spicy rice cakes. 

- I will eat well, thank you for the meal! - you slowly took the steel chopsticks in your hand and put some food in your bowl as well but for some reason, you didn't feel hungry at all. You were just watching Hyunjin's perfectly structured face.

After the dinner, both of you felt it that there was a hint of awkwardness in the air. The time was already quite late but you didn't feel sleepy at all regardless of the fact that you were doing chores all day. Hyunjin got reasons on his own as well to feel exhausted but he couldn't move by your side at least not yet. He wanted to enjoy every minute of it since tonight is the last opportunity for him to show his love to you in any possible way and after even if he needs to behave badly towards you, maybe you will feel and know  what are his real feelings and he is doing this for another, bigger aim to protect you.

- You must be tired just go ahead and take a shower, get some rest. - you said because you were at lost in all of the words that you wanted to tell him at that moment but still it was difficult to say them out loud.

- Okay! - he nodded with a smile and stood up from the table.

- I will do the dishes! - you declared while walking towards the sink.

- Should I help? You cleaned the flat for me and you even cooked, maybe you must be more tired than me.

- No need! I know that you don't like doing the dishes. It's something that you hate, right?

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