"You look very majestic, SIRE" Merlin whispered in his er as they walked through the huge heavy carved oake doors into the castle.

"Really? I feel like a fraud" Arthur whispered back over his shoulder, trying not to noice the stares and whisperes that follwed them.

"You've got this. It's your birthright" Merlin said placing a reassuring and stealthy hand on his lower back breifly, rolling his eyes at a gather gaggle of serving girls.

"Oh he's so handsome..." One whispered into her hand.

"Which one?" responded her friend.

"All of them!" the first girl giggled.

"Gosh she's so lucky" another said as Gwen walked passed and gave them a nervous smile.

"Do you think any of them is George?" the second serving girl said looking specualtively at them and touching her forearm, where her soul words would be emblazond.

"Fer ye, hen, I cou' bae" Will responded with a wink that send the cluster of serving girls into a fit of giggles.

"Ay tell ye, Merrls, ay cou' proper git uused tae this!" He said in his enchanted accent to Merlin, whom just flapped a hand at him and 'shh'd at him as they entered the throen room.

The Weighty oaken timber entrances swung open to revealy the king of Northumbria, Alfred, stood next to a young lady, and surrounded on all the side of the room by courtpeople and the servants. Alfred was a fairly short man but still looked yourng for his age. He wore boild leather britche and a huge two handed longsword in the scabbard at his waist. And had an animal skin draped around his shoulders over a slightly bloodied shirt. You could still see some of the animals congiled blood in the animals fur. He had a dirty white catipilar moustache growing above his lip, but thinck brown eyebrows.

His dsaughter stood beside him looking demurely at the ground, but occasioanlly glancing up to glipmse the strangers in her home. She was tall and slender and wore a golden gown that sparcled like diamonds in the rough. Her hair had been toughed by fire. Her face was nothing spectacular but not displeasing by anymeans. Her long sleaves of her gown would often get in the way but would never have them short as her father the king told her it was a sign of regality to have long sleaves.

The room was a hush in silence as Arthure and his friends approached the small stage where the king and his daughter was stood. Arhtur cleared his throat with a noble "hmmmmmrp" and bowed low.

"My good lord, your most humble- no- uhhhhm- majestic! Majestic majesty, I am PRince Arthur Pendrgaen, the heir of Uther- Camloet's King. I am...errr-... I am your most humble servant, my liege and come to beg your assistncacne for we are in most dire need." he said in a noble voice, confidence waxing at Alfred's stern and steealy glear. In the silcent ht followed Arthur could hear Gwaine's hand slap to his forehead in frustarion. He saw Merlin glare at him out the corner of his eyes. The silecnes dragged.

"Prince Arthur my boy" Alfred boomed loudly across the room "We know you'd return to us one day! And I see you brought friends. Welcome all!" He stread his arms wide in a gesture of welcome and Arthur felt some of the straing ease off his shoulders, which Alfred reached up with his meaty hands to clap on. Around him he culd see and feel his friends relaxing as well - no one had expected this to go so well.

"Meet my daughter, the Princess Rachel. I understand you have a great deal in common!" He waved a hand towards his daughtrr Rachel, who stood on the stage with her head bowed decorously, fidgeting and blushing as red as a tomato.

"A pleasure to see yu my Lady" Arthur said and bowed to her properly. SHe blushed even more if that was possible and stammered out her reply:

"A-and y-you my l-lord. I hear y-you are a g-great knight" She said glancing at him through her eyelashes and quickly looking away, playing with hte end of her sleeve with her fingers.

"Uhm..." Arthur started.

"hahaha there will be pleanty of time to talk at dinner" Alfrred interrupted laughing nervousty.

"Let us show you to your rooms. Sterward please show the prince and his retunie to their chambers." Arthur noded graciously at the king as everyone thanked him, and then followed the steward out of the throne room and into the depths of the castle.

First they stopped and the rooms Gwaine and Will were staying at next to each other, then Gwen and Lancelot shared chambers, and then finally Merlin and Arthurs seperate suites.

Merlin's room wa very grand, with lots of decourous hangings and a colour scheme of green and gold. The Luxious bed was inticately carved mahogany with a emerald veltet canopy and hangingns, and hunter green sheets embrouiderd with golden thread. The forest green velvet curtains were open to let the late afternoon sun cross the threshold of mottled glass and puddle on the hard stone ground, warming it slightly in patches. Merlin's things had been placd at the foot of his bed - he hadn't brought much but changed into clean clothes: his usual black boots and breeches, but instead chose a natural linen tunic and black jacket with embroidery to cover it. He still keps his knives on his out of habit.

He left is verdant room and knocked on Arthur's door. It opened quickly after he knocked and showed Arthur smiling at him.

"I missed you" he said and gve him a quick kiss before puling him into the room. It as as richly furnished as Melins, only in red instead of green. The room was the simering crimson of the warming fire that crackled, flames dancing in the dark of a snow lined November evening, it was the colour of warmth. It gulfed Merlin like the hug of Samhain ale.

Arthuer was clad in his fine outfit - strong black boots, in a soft buttery leather, brown jodpurs - caramel with a trim of cream thread, and a red hunting jacket, which Mrelim had enchanged to fetaure the Pendragen dragon chrest - it fit across his broad shoulders snugly, like a lover's embraced, which Merlin really liked the look of. His eyes gleamed naughtily as he appraised his lovewrs look.

"You look..." Merlin trrailed off looking Arthur up and down with a smirk on his face.

"What Arthur said self consciosus.

"Amazing" Merlin said and grinned at him. Arthur smiled softly back.

"You too" He said. "We should go downt to the feast" He said and held out his hand for Merlin took take, which he did, enterwinding their fingers together like vines and they went downstair together.

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