"So," Harper says, coming over to Aaron and I, "get things talked out?"

"Yeah," Aaron replies. "And I... I want to apologize to you Harper, for being a dick."

Harper tilts her head. "That was you being dickish?"

Aaron nods, sending me a light glare when I snicker quietly. As he explains why, Harper starts giggling.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Nothing," she replies. "Just, I've bee kinda jealous too. Jealous that Aaron knows Bianca better."

I chuckle softly while Aaron smiles.

"No hard feelings?" He asks.

Harper nods. "No hard feelings."

"Right Mitchell?!" Damon calls suddenly, drawing our attention.

"What?" Aaron asks.

"The one and only party I've gone to, Jaxon was so wasted!"

Aaron grins and nods. "He shouldn't have been able to stay standing."

I wrinkle my nose. "Ew, alcohol."

"Ew, social interaction," Bianca says, doing the same.

Aaron chuckles, standing behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, chin resting on my shoulder. "Introverts."

"I prefer the term selectively social badass, thank you very much!" Bianca says loudly.

I laugh and agree with her.

I've never really got the point of parties and all that. I've never been a fan of crowds either. People are weird.

We spend another hour or two at the park before getting lunch together. When it comes time to head home, Aaron pulls me aside, pressing his lips against mine softly.

He deepens the kiss slowly, letting it remain slow and passionate. His tongue dances with mine in a way that's gentle yet dominating. When we separate, a blush has formed on my cheeks and I hide my face in Aaron's chest, sensing the others watching us.

"Look at this picture of perfection!" Damon says excitedly, looking at what I'm guessing is a picture of Aaron and I on his phone. He looks to Aaron and I, "can I keep it?"

"I wanna see," Aaron says.

Damon comes closer, showing us.

My blush deepens, seeing the picture. It's a pretty picture, Aaron and I in the center kissing softly, a light snowfall around us and a few trees in the background.

"Send it to me and I don't mind," Aaron says. "As long as you don't send it anywhere or post it to anything."

When Damon looks to me, I agree with Aaron. Damon agrees and squeals happily, bouncing up and down.

Dad's car pulls up along the side of the road, the window rolling down.

"Jer! Jer look at this!" Damon cries, running over to the car after giving Nicholai a quick kiss.

Aaron chuckles, giving me a quick peck. "Good luck with him."

I laugh softly and nod. "I'll probably need it."

I'm sitting in the living room later that evening with Damon, Dad and Lucas when my phone buzzes, drawing my attention away from the show we're watching.

Pedo Bear: I had fun today

Pedo Bear: You?

Me: I had fun too

Me: I haven't had the chance to hang out with friends like that in a long time

Pedo Bear: Do you have a favourite part?

Me: Honestly, that kiss just before we had to leave

Pedo Bear: That was my favourite part too

Pedo Bear: See you on Monday?

Me: Yeah

Me: See you Monday


I know the ending is pretty abrupt, but I wasn't sure what else should happen.

Most of the action and everything I had planned has already passed. The climax of Skye's attempted suicide and the path to healing and all that. I never planned for this book to be that long either and this didn't seem like a bad place to end it.

Thanks for reading.

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