20. Back to School

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I never thought I'd say I'm glad to be back at school. And yet, here I am saying it.

I guess I was getting pretty bored in the hospital. There wasn't much to do.

I am nervous though. Jaxon still hates me, and his former friends. Aaron says some of the other homophobes on the soccer team have become closer friends with Jaxon. Damon calls them things like the Anti-Gay Gang, the Tiny Dick Team, Bigoted Bunch, et cetera.

Damon hands me my binder and pencil case, the things I left on the floor that day I tried to die. He says he picked them up for me and kept them in his locker since he couldn't get into mine. My stuff is all in my locker since I took nothing that day.

"Alright, here's the plan," Damon says as we walk to our first class. "From now on, you always have one of us with you, Skye. We're your bodyguards now. This shouldn't be too hard, Aaron and I are in all of your classes, and Nic is in three and working on getting a class switch 'cause he doesn't like his current science class so hopefully we'll all have the same classes soon."

I nod along with him, finding myself to like the idea. I don't want to be alone at all, just in case someone happens to find me and we all know I'm terrible at self defence.

We turn a corner, and the next thing I know, I'm on the ground, my binder and pencil case next to me.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!"

I look up, seeing a girl on the ground in front of me, also having fallen down.

"I wasn't watching," she rambles as she gathers her things and stands up. Aaron gets my things while Damon helps me up. "God, what a great first introduction, way to go Harper. I'm sorry, are you OK? Should— oh my god, Skye?!"


The next thing I know, her arms are wrapped around me, hugging me tightly. Her flaming red hair is in one half of my face, the half on the same side as the shoulder her head is resting on. She pulls back, her hazel eyes meeting mine, a bright smile on her freckled face.

"It's been so long!" She says excitedly. "I've missed you so much! I've felt so lonely without you, I can't seem to make any other friends. People don't seem to like me, and I know it's been so long, but would you mind if I hang with you?"

"Sure you can," I reply, giving her a smile.

"Hi, I'm Damon!" Damon butts in happily, a wide grin on his lips.

Aaron and Nicholai introduce themselves, and I notice a calculating sort of look in Aaron's eyes.

"I'm Harper," the redheaded female says with a grin. "Skye and I were childhood best friends until he moved." When my newer three friends look at me questioningly, I nod, telling them her words are true. Harper continues, "I just moved here with my parents. And what do you know, I find my one and only ever bestie!"

The warning bell rings. Five minutes until class starts.

"Oh, do you know where I'm supposed to go?" Harper asks, holding up her class schedule. "I have no idea where I'm going."

"You still suck at directions?" I says, making her pout and nod. I look over her schedule. "You have all classes with Nicholai, I think, then we all have foods and art together after lunch."

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