13. Winter Kisses

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One More Light - Linkin Park ^

I watch my breath crystallize in front of me in the cool winter air.

It's nice, walking. It gives me a chance to be alone in my thoughts, and not have to worry about Mom walking in, or pay attention in class. I just have to not walk into the road. Being alone with my music is calming, a small escape from my world around me, trying to break to me.

Currently listening to Wretched and Divine by Black Veil Brides, my mind is filled with daydreams of Vengeance in the world of Harry Potter.

He would be part Gryffindor, part Slytherin, but be sorted into Slytherin. Friends with the Golden trio, along with Draco. Because what's life without Draco Malfoy? Ah, the fantasies of a teenage gay boy. There's something wrong with me, I know.

I continue my daydreams of events in Prisoner of Azkaban with Vengeance, as I keep walking to the park.

A sense of calm runs through my body. One of the few times I can let myself be calm without no lingering danger. I breath in deeply, my eyes falling closed as my pace slows. I wish I could stay like this. No stress, no fear, no pain.

As my eyes open and I keep walking, I notice someone around my age working in a small thrift store across the road. People always seem to know or have an idea of what they want to be when they grow up. They start part-time jobs, start earning money, start becoming more independent.

Not me. Well, I know what I want to be when I get older. Dead. I want to be dead.

But I have found that wish fading slowly as I spend more time with Aaron. I can't say exactly why, but I'm finding that I do enjoy his company.

A light sigh escapes me as I walk into the park. There's no one else here. I guess most kids would be at school or daycare while parents work, and no one wants to be here in the winter. Don't know why, it's nice here.

Feeling like a slower song, I take out my phone and pick Pieces by Rob Thomas.

As I walk towards the bridge, my favorite place, my daydreams are replaced by memories, of two years ago. Before Dad left, before Mom started abusing me, before I became depressed and suicidal. Before everything, when life was everything I wanted it to be...

"Cloud, what's taking so long?!" Dad's voice called.

"I can't find my beanie!" I shouted back.

"You don't need one to go to the park or get ice cream!" Mom said.

"But they make me look cute!"

I heard Dad chuckle. "You're already cute! No need to kill the town with your cuteness!"

"Dad!" I whined as he appeared in my bedroom doorway.

"Come on, Cloud," he said, "you look just fine without it."

I huffed, pouting. "Fine."

As I walked past him, he ruffled my hair, making me whine again.

Walking down the steps, clumsy me missed the last step and fell to the ground. I lied there on the floor for a few seconds, Dad stepping over me and walking over to where Mom was waiting by the door.

"Gee, Dad, thanks for the concern," I said sarcastically, getting up, "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"You're welcome," he replied, smiling cheekily. "Now let's go, I want ice cream."

"I don't fit in with this family," Mom muttered jokingly.

"Sure you do," Dad said. "You love us, and we love you, and there you go. You fit in just fine."

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