22. Another New Friend

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Salvatore: Guys, what's the answer to question 6 in science

Salvatore: I need help

Guardian: I'm not in your class

Hot Lesbian: Me neither

Hot Lesbian: Why don't you just ask Skye?

Salvatore: He went shopping with his dad. My dad made me stay home and do homework

Salvatore: Aaron, did you get the question?

Pedo Bear: Not yet, I'm working on it right now.

Pedo Bear: I think I'm gonna get it wrong

Salvatore: Ciel, you're the smart one

Salvatore: Help

I roll my eyes, deciding to help him despite the fact I'm supposed to be looking for clothes to fill my rather empty and old wardrobe.

Me: I got AgNO3

Salvatore: Oh

Salvatore: Wait I think I get it

Salvatore: Thanks

"What do you think of this?" Dad asks, holding up a dark grey shirt with the Slytherin house crest.

I grin, eye brightening. "I love it and I want it."

Dad chuckles, putting the shirt in the cart. "Thought so, Potterhead."

"It's a good series," I whine, pouting.

"It is," Dad agrees.

We continue looking around, picking up clothes that I see, like and have my size in.

"Dad, I feel hungry," I whine.

"You purposely avoided saying 'I'm hungry' because of the dad joke thing, didn't you," he says. I nod, despite it being more of a statement rather than question. "Let's head to the food court then."

As we turn towards the food court, I stop, seeing a girl around my age with short chestnut brown hair standing nervously in front of me as if preparing to ask a question.

"Sorry," she says, looking at my face but avoiding meeting my eyes, "but could you point me in the direction of the food court? I know, there's signs but I somehow forgot my glasses and I can't see far away without them so I can't read them."

"We're heading there now actually, so you could walk with us if you want?" I offer.

The girl looks between me and dad, considering it before she nods shyly and we start walking. I notice her blink a few times quickly, the corner of her mouth repeatedly twitching upwards.

I tilt head curiously. "I don't mean to pry or seem mean, but do you have Tourette's syndrome?"

The girl flushes but nods shyly, not looking at me as if waiting for me to spit at her.

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