Chapter Twenty

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Sloan's POV

Three months later...

I wake as I feel someone kiss my cheek, I turn in bed to find Logan sitting on the bed with a smile on his face. It has been a hectic few months for me and Logan he proved to me that he loved me and would never leave me and I believe him but him wanting us to go back to America is not what I wanted.

We have been living out our little love bliss in our little lake front cabin for the past few months just falling in love again. I have only told a few people about me being pregnant and us going back there is not what I wanted but Logan has a business to run and I have a gallery and friends to get back to.

So here we are heading home to drama. France has been good for us we have been falling in love all over again and with this new journey of parenthood on the way I have been happy but I am a little nervous about going home.

Logan and I talked a lot when we just got back, we talked about everything from his actions and mine he got really torn up over hearing about my actions and I had never seen him so emotional or cry but he had to get it off his chest and now we are great.

"What time is it?" I ask getting comfortable in bed.

"Time for you to get up" he pulls the cover off kissing my small stomach.

It's still pretty hard for anyone to tell just from looking at me my stomach is small and Logan is all over it. I groan looking up at the time and it's after eight in the morning I don't want to get up I am comfortable.

But we have a flight to catch back home as much as I hate the idea of leaving but Logan has a business and I want to be happy and with my husband. I get out of bed and into the shower I take a nice shower getting ready, I get dress in some sweats and one of Logan's shirt getting ready.

"Can I get some juice or something before we leave" I ask Logan as he packs our bags in the car.

"We can get food at the airport" he tells me closing the trunk.

"They better have good food" I get in the car and he join me.

"Are you still upset with me?" he asks and I nod. "Okay"

We drive to the airport in silence when we get there Logan helps me out of the car leading me into the airport, I was expecting us to head for the usual terminals but we didn't. We head for the private terminal and towards the tarmac.

"Oh my god" I cover my mouth as I spot the private jet sitting on the tarmac.

Logan picks me up carrying me into the plane and the sweet smell of stake and potatoes fills my nose and I look around to see food and drinks. Logan lowers me in my seat handing me food buckling me up.

"This is so good" I moan taking a bite of my food.

"Does that mean I am forgiven?" Logan asks and shake my head telling him no.

If he thinks feeding me and putting me on a private plane would soften me up about him bringing me back, he has another guess coming. We talk the whole flight home I thought I would have been tired but I was too nervous to sleep so we talked and it calmed me down.

By the time we landed it was late Logan and I get in the car heading home he said the he bought us a new house and I am really excited about that. I fell asleep on the drive home my husband's arms around me holding me tight and that was all I needed.

I wake feeling well rested and happy I turn in bed rolling into an empty space I look up and the first thing I see is a painting from my gallery. I look around the room and all I see is my work. I feel so happy seeing them in my home. I pull back the sheets getting out of bed and into the bathroom.

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