[3]: Surprise Visits & Ticklish Moments.

Start from the beginning

"What's he saying to you now?" She asks nodding her head towards my phone, knowing full well who had text me without me telling her. This is why she is my best friend...well my best girl-friend.

"Just that we need to have words about what happened at dinner time." I chuckle. "He's too damn protective sometimes."

"He's only looking out for you." She says softly linking her arm with mine. "And he has every right to as well."

"I'm not his girlfriend though Ay, he doesn't need to look out for me like this."

"But I do need to when my girlfriend is the one pushing you over Lou." Ash says popping up out of nowhere.

"Jesus Ash, you trying to give me a heart attack." I say swatting his chest before placing my hand against my heart laughing.

"I'll see you later Lyd, be at mine for half six." Ayla shouts before jumping into her brother's car.

"Okay bye." I shout after her before turning to Ash. "So...you know what happened then?"

"Yea I know," he replies gruffly before getting into his car. "You should have told me."

I shrug my shoulders at him before asking "Who told you?"

"Georgia let it slip after Ayla followed you out the diner. I was asking them why you'd stalked off leaving your lunch." He says whilst reversing out his spot and driving away. "Rachel was trying to change the topic of conversation from you to a party that was happening tomorrow night. And because I was ignoring her, she didn't like it and told Lois and Georgia to shut up going on about you so that I'd be able to talk to her."

I roll my eyes at that comment, how surprising that she wanted all of his attention on her.

"That's when Georgia snapped, she said that there wouldn't have been any reason for you to leave if she hadn't pushed you over earlier and practically had made you leave just then."

"Oh." I say lifting my arm to look at the cut. It wasn't deep but it was big enough. Thankfully it had stopped bleeding; there was nothing worse than getting stains on your sketches.

"Yea oh; why didn't you just tell me Rachel was being a bitch to you?"

"Because, she's your girlfriend Ash; I'm not going to be that weird best friend who tells you not to date someone just because she doesn't like me and acted out a couple of times."

"That's exactly why you should tell me Lou." He says breathing out loudly and running a hand through his hair. "I'm not going to date anyone who doesn't like the fact that we're close friends."

My heart began to thump loudly in my chest. Why was he talking like he was now single?

"Hang on...what are you saying?"

"I dumped Rachel." He replies shrugging his shoulders.

"What? You didn't need to do that, not for me."

"Oh stop it, of course I did it for you, you're my best friend. Your happiness means a lot to me. I'm not going to date someone who pushes you over for no reason or someone who's being a bitch to you."

"Thanks Ash." I say smiling up at him. He really did know how to cheer me up.

"No worries. Plus now that I'm single, it means I can try it on with the new girl." He laughs wiggling his eye brows at me.

"You're such a slut." I say smacking his arm laughing. Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside. Why would he never look at me as more than just his friend?

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