Chapter 14

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----------after school

The bell rang and all the students pack their things to go home.

"Jisung! " Felix exclaim as he slams his hands on Jisung's table

"What? " Jisung asked not even looking his way

"Gosh, so harsh. You were all blushing and cuddly when Minho—" Felix was cut off when Jisung who currently blushing stuff a paper inside Felix's mouth

"Shut up. I was not like that" Jisung denied it as Felix takes out the paper.

"Yea? Don't think I didn't took a picture of you two" Felix said as he shows the picture where Minho was back hugging Jisung

"S-SINCE WHEN DO YOU HAVE THAT?! " Jisung yelled

"Oh! I have that too" Hyunjin said and shows it

"You lose" Seungmin said while Jisung is trying to find the word but too caught up with blushing and embarrassment

"Why are you blushing? "A voice said behind Jisung making him flinched

"M-Minho hyung! When did you get here? " Minho shrugged and hug him. Then, the others comes in the class

"Hyung, look at this" Hyunjin said as he shows the picture and Minho's face lighten up

"Send it to me! "

"Hyung, we have to practice today" Felix said and Minho frowns

"But I wanna spend time with Sungie" Minho whines while Seungmin, Jeongin and Hyunjin fake a disgust face.

"You should practice. You have only a few weeks left right? " Jisung said

"Alright, let's go" Minho said and start walking with Jisung still in his arms

"Hyung? "

"What? I'm not gonna practice if you're not with me"

"But you're gonna practice with them—"

"And Minsun would love to see you again"

"Okay then " Jisung said and Minho gasp

"You're love my sister more! "

"Hmm, maybe I do" Jisung grins


"Okay enough. Stop right there. We're not watching you two" Seungmin said

"But I was enjoying it" Felix said

"Me too. Oh and can Seungmin comes too? " Hyunjin asked as he hold Seungmin's hand

"Binnie too! " Felix said

"How about us? " Jeongin asked as he pout

"Okay, let's all go. Chan, you brought your car right? Cause I can't bring eight people on my motorbike" Minho asked and Chan nod

"Wow! Didn't know you drives a car hyung! " Jeongin said

------------at the mansion

"Ooopppaaa! " A loud sequel coming from inside

There, Minsun running into her brother's arms

She looks up and saw the others and smiles

"Jisungie! And who are you guys? Oh? I saw you three before! But I don't know your names!" Minsun asked after she hug Jisung

" This dimples guy is Chan, V chin is Changbin, that not so handsome as me guy is Hyunjin, blondie smol looking guy is Felix, dandy puppy guy is Seungmin and lastly all smiley looking guy is Jeongin" Minho introduced each of the members as he point to them

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