Chapter 5

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"Um, excuse me. This is the library. Can you lower your voice a bit? "

Jisung said but widen his eyes when he sees who was it.

Jinyoung just left Minho right before Jisung comes.

"What are you doing here? " Jisung asked. He was surprised that the older is in the library

"Jinyoung hyung dragged me here. " Minho said and Jisung nod. Jisung turn to leave when Minho grab his wrist.

"What? "

"Woah, the rude nerd is back pretty quickly. " Minho joked and Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Yea so? What do you want? " Jisung said

"Can you accompany me? The library is boring" Minho whines

"Go find Jinyoung hyung. I'm busy" Jisung said and leave but Minho follow him.

"This library is huge and I won't find Jinyoung anywhere. So I just follow the cutie here" Minho said and Jisung scoffed.

"What do you want with me? " Jisung asked as he sit.

"Nothing. As I said, I'm bored" Minho said as he sit across from Jisung

Jisung ignore him and continue reading his book that he left before
But he can't concentrated because the person in front him is staring at him and it's really disturbing.

Jisung groans and lift his face to find the older staring at him.

"Why are you staring at me? " Jisung asked and Minho shrugged.

"I have nothing better to do. " Minho said. "Then do something else. Go grab some books and read and leave me alone.

"I'm not a nerd"

"You doesn't have to be a nerd to read a book. It's just meant you are laz—" Jisung was cut off when Minho's phone ringing.

Minho answered the call and Jisung continue to read his book except he's not reading it. His face is facing the book but his eyes is looking at the person who was answering phone call.

"Oh ya ya, I forgot. I'm sorry Byungwoo" Minho said and get up leaving the library. Jisung's eyes didn't leave the older until he was gone from his sight.

Byungwoo,Jisung knew who is that. He's one of Minho's toys. They just recently hook up but Byungwoo thought it was official. Byungwoo also very love or obsessed with Minho. Jisung knew all that from his friends.

Just as Jisung about to continue reading, Jinyoung comes up at him.

"Oh hey Jisung, thought you'll be here. Did you see Minho anywhere?" Jinyoung asked.

Jisung point at the door"he just left."

Jinyoung whips his head toward the door, gripping the book in his hand

"That hoe"

"Oh well sorry to bother you Jisung." Jinyoung said and leave.

Jisung continue reading but again, was interrupted when the bell rang.

Jisung groans loudly. "WHERE IS MY PEACE!? "


It was lunch and they all sit together except for Minho who is nowhere to be seen

Jisung raise an eyebrow when he notices the older isn't here.

"Where's Minho? " Jisung asked and they all looked up.

"Minho? I think he's ditching again. He got a new hook up. " Chan said

"Don't you guys ever stop his behaviour? " Jisung asked but they shrugged "we tried to"

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