Chapter 6

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Minho and Jisung took an elevator to the fourth floor of the hospital.

Minho lead Jisung to his sister room. Throughout the way there, the two was silent.

Jisung enter a room that Minho enter and saw the patient inside. The room is decorate for little girl with flowers on the table and plushies.

The girl smiles upon seeing Minho and extend her arms for a hug from her big brother.

"Minho Oppa! I miss you! " The girl said as she hug the older.

"It's only been three days. Not that long" Minho said. The girl then look behind her brother.

"Oppa, who's this? " The girl asked.

"Oh yes, Minsun, this is Jisung, Jisung, Minsun" Minho introduces the two to the two.

Minsun then make an o shape mouth. "Is this the annoying cute tutor—" Minsun said but Minho cover her mouth with his hand.

"What? "

"Yes, this is the annoying nerd tutor I was talking about" Minho said smiling sheepishly while Jisung making ˋ︿ˊ face.

"Oo what's that? " Minsun asked as she point to the bag Jisung was holding.

"This is the new flavor cheesecake that I didn't get to finish it since your big brother here was making a scene in front of my cheesecake. " Jisung glares at Minho then smiles at Minsun

"I heard about you from your brother of course. I bought three cheesecake by the way, and one is for you" Jisung said and serve one cheesecake at the table besides the bed.

Minsun giggles at Jisung's explanation and beamed up when Jisung gives her the dessert.

"Oo, I'll buy some water. " Jisung said and leaves.

"Jisung oppa is talkative. Not like what oppa said. " Minsun said and Minho shrugged. "This is the first time I seen him talk this much. "

Minho took a seat besides the bed and start feed his sister. "What did you see today, Min? " Minho start the conversation as he feed Minsun

"Last night, I saw unicorn! " Minsun smiles. "But I haven't seen anything since then. Is that bad? Am I gettin worse? " Minsun pout.

Minho smiles and ruffles her hair.
"It's not bad. In fact, I'm sure you're gonna be out from here soon. " Minho said and Minsun smiles brightly. "Really! I'm gonna be out of here! Can I have my room in pink and blue? " Minsun asked and Minho nod. "Everything for you. "

"Now where is Jisung? Does he need to calculated how long is this room with the vending machine? " Minho question but second after that, the door open and Jisung enter the room. "Ha ha. Not funny" Jisung glares at Minho.

The scene making Minsun giggles and the two look at her. "You two are cute together"

"HELL NO"  Minho and Jisung shout in unison which only making Minsun giggles more.

"I'm gonna go find a doctor. I want to ask when can you be out from here" Minho said and stood up.

"Don't make her cry" Minho threathen and left.

"Your brother is quite.... gentle... "

'Gentle.. I guess he can be like that for certain people....I want to be—'


Jisung went to the vending machine and buy two water bottle.
He also buy some snack.

After that, he went straight back to the room, but not enter it.

From outside, Jisung can hear the siblings conversation, and Jisung can also sees them through the glass.

There, Jisung saw something unexpected for him. Minho's demeanor was completely different from flirty hoe into a gentle brother. (Or husband)

Jisung admiring the older feeding his sister and the look on the older's face.
'Can he look at me too like that?'

He was snapped out of his thought when Minho start complaining him for being too long.

'Wh-why did I just—'

Jisung shook his head and enter the room and immediately glare at Minho. Completely opposite from what he was doing earlier.

• • • • •

"Your brother is quite.... gentle... "

Minsun look at Jisung and smiles.

"Is he always like that? " Jisung asked and Minsun nod.

"He is! Oppa always brought me plushies and flowers. All of this is from oppa! " Minsun said and show all of the plushies beside her.

"Why? How is Oppa when he's at school? " Minsun asked with round eyes.

Jisung look at her for a moments before smile. "No reason. But he's not completely like that at school " Jisung said

"Jisung oppa. "

"Hm? "

"If Oppa is bad, I give you permission to advice him. I, Minsun, Oppa's little sister, give you the permission to order Oppa around! " Minsun proudly announce making Jisung chuckled softly.

"Thank you. I might need that" Jisung said and Minsun's eyes lit up and point at Jisung and Minho who just enter the room with a confuse look when Minsun cheerfully point at him

"Then it's official! Jisung oppa is Minho oppa's wifey! "

"WHAT?! "

                           <( ̄︶ ̄)>

"Did you see things again, Min? " Minho asked worried as he shakes his sister

"This is the most ridiculous things you ever tell me." Minho said and Jisung scoffed.

"I feel insulted but I can't disagree " Jisung said, narrowing his eyes.

Minsun whines and pout. " what did the doctor said? " Minsun change the topic

"In three days. Mom and Dad will be here too" Minho said and she nod.


The visiting time is almost over so the two bid their goodbye to Minsun

"I love your sister. " Jisung said and Minho start his play

"Yea? How about his brother? "Minho wiggles his eyebrows as he lean his face closer to Jisung.
Jisung shriek and push Minho's face away from his quickly to hide unexpected blush.

Jisung turn his face away from Minho who looks at him confuse, and quickly walk to Minho's motorbike.

"In your dream. Minsun is way nicer than you. Now send me home! I have homework. " Jisung said as he takes the helmet.

Minho scoffed. "What wrong with him? " Minho asked himself.

"What's the nerd want, will be granted. Or the punishment will be nonstop nagging for days" Minho said

"Yah! "

"Okay okay! " Minho get on his motorbike and Jisung next.

Jisung wrap his hand around Minho's waist like the usual.

'Stop teasing me. I don't like my heart beating like this'


Stranger, Tutor, Lover ♡ [ 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora