Chapter 13

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Jisung wakes up and get ready for school. He went downstairs to eat breakfast with his parents. After breakfast, he went to takes his bag when the bell ring. Mrs.Han went to open the door and surprised by unknown ethereal boy standing outside.

"Yes? " Mrs.Han asked

"Is Jisung still home? Or did he already go to school? " the boy asked

"Jisung? Wait a moment" Mrs.Han asked and turn around and shout her son's name

"JISUNG! There's someone searching for you! "

"Who—Hyung? " Jisung asked surprised

"Who's this Jisung? " Mrs.Han asked

"Um—this is the boy that I was tutoring" Jisung said and Minho looks at Jisung.

"Reaaaaaaaaalllyy? " Mrs.Han looks at her son suspiciously.

Jisung don't know if it's a good idea to tell his parents about Minho being his boyfriend. He know that his parents aren't homophobic but he still cautious.

"I-uh" Jisung looks at Minho for help but the older just ignore while holding back his laugh. Jisung want to gasp at how the older betray him but instead, he gives him a glare

"I'll just wait outside" Minho said leaving Jisung and his mom

"Jisung just tell me. It's really suspicious. The tutoring was weeks ago and suddenly Minho here want to take you to the school and you're friends never walk you to school unless they're sleepover and did I mention that your eyes looks sparkly when you see Minho at the door. And not to mention that yesterday I see Minho sent you home and suddenly you like all blushing. Just because I'm in the house that doesn't mean that I didn't see what I see. you—"

"Okay! Mom stop for a second! " Jisung yelled as he cover Mrs.Han's mouth while blushing knowing that his mom had caught Jisung

"Haha you should just tell her Sung" Mr.Han laugh as he walk out from the kitchen

"Soo? "

"Minho hyung is my.. Boyfriend" Jisung said quietly and it was silent for a minutes

"YES! GIVE ME THAT $50!" Mrs.Han yelled as she hand out her hand to receive the money from her husband while her son looking confuse

"Huh? "

"Come on Sung, you know we won't ever judge you. Don't be afraid to come out to us okay? " Mr.Han said

"Okay.. But wait! You two make a bet on me? " Jisung asked and Mrs.Han nod

"Okay no more talking, your future husband is waiting" Mrs.Han said as she push the blushing squirrel out

"Our son finally growing up" Mrs.Han wiped her dramatic tear.

"That was long" Minho said chuckling as he give the helmet to Jisung

"You didn't tell me that you're going to pick me up" Jisung said

"Surprise" Minho smiles

"Do your parents know? "

"Mhm, and they okay with it. " Minho said and Jisung get on the motorbike. He hold Minho's hips but Minho grabs his hand and wrap it around him until Jisung hugging him

"Much better"


"Oooh? " Felix exclaim as he sees the newly couple walk in the school holding hand while getting a few stares

Stranger, Tutor, Lover ♡ [ 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕘 ]Where stories live. Discover now