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Feliza POV

I woke up all sweaty. That dream again.. Why can't I forget that? Why can't I just stop loving him? Why can't I just move on? He'll never fulfill his promise anyway... oh well, better get ready for another day of misery. I'll just visit Jolly like I always do. He's the only one, I mean, ONLY one who understands me, who stays by my side.


(9 years ago)

"HOW COULD YOU FORGET ABOUT YOUR SISTER?? I TRUSTED YOU TO WATCH HER BUT WHAT'D YOU DO?? LOOK AT HER, SHE FELL DOWN FROM HER BED BECAUSE OF YOUR CARELESSNESS!!" Mama shouted at me as if I killed someone. "SORRY MAMA SOMEONE KNOCKED ON THE DOOR AND-" I tried to reason out but papa cut me off "Feliza! Go back to your room!! We will discuss this some other time. For now, we don't need your non-sensical excuses!!" With that, I ran out of the room only to find Luca, Debito... And Pace glaring at me. Yes, even Pace. When I passed by, I heared Pace muttered "what kind of a sister are you?" After I heared those words, I ran as fast as I could. After hours of running, I finally got tired and realized that I don't know where I am. Then out of timing, thunder roared from the skies. I panicked and searched for help until I saw 3 men in an allyway. It gave me hope so I ran to them. "Um excuse me, Mister, Can you please help me? I'm lost and I don't know where to go. I was wondering if you could lend me a hand?" I said. "My would you look at that, we got ourselves a meal" said the first guy and the guy I talked to. His words sent chills down my spine. What does he mean? "Yeah, and she look fresh. I bet she's a virgin" said the second one. "This ought to be fun" the third one said devilishly. "Um.. Excuse me-" I said but first one cut me off. "Tell us, have you ever experienced 'fun', love?" He said while waking forward. "Um.. Never mind, I think I remember the way..." With that, I ran but one of the men grabbed me by the hair. "Oh no you don't" said the man. He threw me on the ground and I winced in pain. Then the three men pounced on me. They took my clothes off. I feel helpless. They're taking my dignity from me. Then I felt one of them grab my breast. And the other slid their manhood inside of me. I shout in agony. This is it. Is this really how it feels to be played with physically? Then the other slid the manhood inside my behind. I was about to shout again but another manhood slid in my mouth. I don't know anymore. I feel numb. After they're finished they just left me naked on the streets. I lay there waiting. Waiting for what? Waiting for my death to come. After minutes which felt like years of waiting, it never came after all. Instead, I felt like I'm being carried. So someone cares after all. Maybe it's Pace. That thaught sent happiness trough me. But when I looked up, my one little hope was gone. It was Jolly who was carrying me. "Jolly?" I called out. "Shh.. Don't talk just rest. We'll find those men who did this to you." I had no choice. I was exhausted. So I just did what he said.

He layed me down on my bed. "Wait there. I'll prepare your bath. Then you'll have to rest. I'll tell the famiglia about this later." He said. "No don't. No one cares anyways" I said. He looks at me sadly. "Just don't tell them... Please, Jolly... They have enough worry about Felicita. It's not like they're gonna worry... But still" I said, cracking a small smile. "Alright"

After he bathed me, he put me to bed. Before he could shut the door, I called him "Thank you, Jolly... For caring.

~End of flashback~

I can't help but feel sad at the same time angry with that thaught. That't also the time when I started to act cold and arrogant towards everyone. Except Jolly. He's like my Big bro and I his little sis. Mostly towards Pace, Felicita, Mama and Papa. I don't call them Mama and Papa. Instead, I only call them Mrs. Sumire and Mr. Mondo. Maybe that's my life purpose. To be all cold, arrogant and sadistic. Maybe that's the reason why my Arcana card is The Devil. I inflict mental pain to anyone with just one look. Maybe that's the reason. I'm bound to be THE DEVIL. The town even has a nickname for me. 'The Sadist Princess'. If they call Felicita 'The Princess', I'm 'The Sadist Princess'. Ouch right? But I don't care. I endured more painful stuff than that. Like being forgotten by the one you love and not keeping his promise. Oh well.. I guess I'll be like this for the rest of my life

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