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Mama's POV:

My daughter is missing.. No. It can't be. I'm dreaming. I must be..

"I coming too, Mondo." I argued. "No." He countered, voice booming. "You know what? I don't care what you think. I am going and that's final. She's my daughter too. I'm helping in searching for them weather you like it or not. I'm sorry." I said through gritted teeth. This is one of the few times I get mad at Mondo which leaves him shocked. "Look.. Sumire, honey, I don't honestly know where our daughter and grandson is. And judging by the fact that they managed to capture Feliza, they are not weak.. In fact, they are quite witty and strong. I don't want to lose you Ok..? So please.." I looked at me in the verge of tears. I touched both his cheeks to lift it up and look at me. I stared into his eyes. "Mondo, you won't lose me. I'm your wife remember? Till death do us part. We're in this together. We are gonna look for our daughter together. You won't lose me. I promise." I reassured him. He slowly nodded then held my hand walking to the ball room together.

Pace's POV:

Feliza's missing.. My Feliza. No. I swear, Feliza, I will find you. I'll make sure you're safe.. I love you. I'll prove it to you. You'll see.

We all met up in the ball room. Me, Luca, Debito, Liberta, Nova, Felicita, Dante, hell even Jolly and Elmo. I mean, they were her family here before..

Each one of us either has worried, sad or angry looks. We saw Mama and Papa standing on the platform.

"Everyone, I want to keep this as short as possible. Feliza, Ivan and Kyle are Missing. I want you all to search for them. I, too, will help. Whatever it takes to find my daughter. Now go" Papa's voice boomed. "Please do find our daughter. Please.. Felicita, do your best to look for your sister, her husband and your nephew." I saw Felicita nod. Seriousness and nervousness clear in her face.

Felicita's POV:

My sister, Feliza? She's missing? How did they even manage to capture her in the fist place? They must be witty or strong in some way to capture her. I feel like this will not be an easy fight.. I honestly feel nauseous. My emotions mixing all together. Sadness, anger, nervousness, anxiety. My chance to prove myself to my sister.. My chance to make up to her.. All gone.. I will make whoever did this to her suffer. I will find you, Sorella

"Felicita, do your best to look for your sister, her husband and your nephew." Mama said. I nodded. Ready to search and find them. Good thing they don't baby me anymore.

"Now go." As soon as those words left papa's mouth, I immediately rushed outside, searching for my sister.


It's been three days since that night but no clues has been found. Mama has been crying ever since that night. Jolly, Elmo and Pace never stopped searching. We'll never lose hope. We will find them.

Ivan's POV:

It's been I don't know.. Three days? He's been torturing us non stop. I just want my family out of here. I want my baby to be born. I want them to be happy. I know that Pace guy loves Feliza. Maybe it's time for me to let go.. Maybe Feliza was meant to be with Pace after all. As long as Feliza's happy, I'm more than happy. That's just how much I love her.

"I-ivan.." I heard Feliza say weakly. "I'm tired, Ivan... I wanna sleep.. It hurts.." She said weakly. "F-fel, don't you dare sleep. Don't you dare. Don't do this.. We're gonna get out of here alive Ok? Just hold on please.." I said, starting to cry. "D-daddy..? I-is mummy alright? D-don't worry mummy, daddy, when I grow up, i-ill protect you a-and my baby sibling" Kyle said weakly. I let out a small smile, proud of my own son. "That's my boy..." I said, letting out a small shaky breath.

I don't know how long I'll last.. I don't care though. I just want my family out of here. I want them safe. Every hit, every stab, every cut. Everything. It hurts. But I don't care. I just want my family safe. Please, God.. Protect them.. For sure the famiglia noticed our absence by now. I do hope they're coming for us.

Cecilia's POV:

What could be the problem? The famiglia seemed to be very busy lately. I often see them running around asking people something.

While wiping the tables I heard the bell above the door ring signaling someone entering. I looked up to see Pace. But something is wrong. He seemed pale and tired. "Hello, Pace. Is there something I can help you with?" I asked. "Yes actually.. You see, Feliza and her family are gone... It seems like they were kidnapped. Have you noticed something weird going around here lately?" He asked. What??? Feliza?? Kidnapped?? How??
"Well, I had a few conversation with her husband, Ivan. But in the corner of my eye, I saw someone watching us. Or Ivan. I didn't pay attention to it though.." I said. "Well? Do you know where he could be?" He asked. "I think I might... There's an abandoned sewer system by the dock. Did you check there? He and his fellows ate here one day and I overhead them talking about punishing someone and something about abandoned sewer system" I said. "Thank you so much, Cecilia" he said, walking out. "M-my pleasure.. My love..." I said to practically no one, whispering the last two words.

What happened to your PROMISE??? (Arcana Famiglia)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant