Fresh Start

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Feliza's POV:

I woke up surprisingly amazing. I felt happy for the first time since they left. It's like having a heavy burden lifted from your chest. It feels good. I feel new.

After I did my morning routine, I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast because honestly, I woke up pretty early. Plus, I wanted to make something special for them.

"Princess Feliza! What are you doing here? Please do sit down. Make yourself comfortable while I make breakfast. What would you like to eat?" One of our maids asked. I smiled sweetly at her much to her surprise. "" Oh no, Claire. It's OK. I'll make breakfast. Besides, I miss cooking considering I never did since I got here" I said, chuckling. "Very well, princess. At least let me help" she said, smiling. "Alright. If that's what you want. And one more thing, please just call me Feliza. I'm no princess" I said, smirking.

After I finished my 'master piece' which consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, fried rice and of course, Pace's favorite, Lasagna, I decided to go back to my room to freshen up. Cause why not? I'm still in my hearts and smilies PJ's which is kind of embarrassing if you ask me.. "Ms. Feliza, please go ahead and do what you need to do. I can take it from here" Clair said smiling her oh so innocent smile. "Thank you, Clair. I'll head on and freshen up then" I said, smiling back. She just bowed ate in return. Before I completely vanish from her sight, I turned around to face her. "Oh and, Clair, please do inform the other servants that you all will be dining with us today. I cooked for everyone in this household after all" I smiled sweetly at her then continued my way to my room.

After I'm done with my usual morning routine consisting of shower and wearing a casual sun dress. Because why not? It is my day off after all. After I put on my dress, my eyes landed on top of my dresser where my ring is. I felt kind of sad. I wonder what it will be like if they're still alive... I miss them to be honest.. It's such a beautiful day today. Perfect for picnics in the meadow. I'm sure if they're still here, Kyle will be jumping on our bed nagging me for a picnic. Ivan, being a goof ball he was, he'd pick up Kyle and prep the basket.. I felt a small tear run down my eye. No, Feliza. No more crying. You are making this harder for them. For you especially. They wouldn't want this. I said to myself. I finally regained myself and went to each one of their rooms.

First was Mama and Papa's. I stopped in front of their door and knocked. After receiving no answers, I decided to walk in only to see them asleep. I walked up to their bed and shook them awake. "Mrs- Mama, Papa, It's time to wake up. I made breakfast" I said gently cutting off myself in the 'Mrs.' part. I should really learn to call them mama and papa. Mama stirred in the bed. Finally Papa opened his eyes, surprise taking over his face after seeing me. "Feliza, why are you up so early? And in our room too. A-and you look.. different?" He asked, dumbfounded. I only smiled softly. "Breakfast is ready" I said, walking to the door. Before I walk out, I faced him and said "Papa"

Next stop: Felicita. I walked to her room without knocking because why not? I'm older *mischievous face*. I walked up to her bed. "Felicita" I said, shaking her. She only stirred. Huh. Just like mama.. and me. Heavy sleeper. I shook her harder to no success. Finally I had an idea. "SORELLA!!" I shouted in her ear. She then suddenly sat up hitting my head in the process. "W-what? What happened?" She asked looking around, shocked. "Ow.. dude what kind of skull do you have? Metal?? That shit hurts like a bitch" I said, sitting on the floor holding my forehead. Then realization hit her which caused more shock (if that's even possible) go through her. "Sorel- Feliza! What are you doing here? What's with the dress? And did you just call me SORELLA?" She asked dumbfounded. I just laughed at her. If you can die of severe shock (I think yes), she'd be dead by now. "Wake up, I made breakfast. It's my day off and yes, I did" I said smirking while dusting my dress, ready to walk out. She just stared at me dumbfounded as I walk towards the door. "C'mon, Sorella. The food doesn't have all day you know" with that, I walked out.

Next is Jolly. Again, without knocking, I went inside. As expected, he's already awake, doing his science alchemy stuff that I don't got a single clue about with Dante. Although Dante is just sitting there smoking and talking to him. He turned to me, face turning from concentration to shock. "What's with the get up, your flatness? Got a date?" He asked, pointing his tweezers at me. I only raised my eyebrows at him. "Really, asparagus? You still call me your flatness?" I stared at him deadpan. "You are flat" he said, in a matter of fact. I just gave him a weird face. "Anyway, what brings you here this early. And you didn't answer my first question" he said, continuing his stuff. "I came here to tell you that breakfast is ready. I made it. And am I not allowed to wear a dress in my day off?" I said, giggling. He only chuckled at waved me off. "Fine fine. I'll be there in a bit" he said, chuckling. I walked out, nodding at Dante in the process.

Next is Liberta. While walking to his room, I bumped into Luca and Debito. "Whoa, princess! You look dashing! If Pace doesn't hurry, I'd get you myself" Debito said, checking me out. I onlyade puking sounds at him. "You disgust me" I said, jokingly but with a serious face. "Oh you flatter me" he said, placing his hand on his chest. I only smiled sarcastically at him which he returned with a wink. "*Ahem* so, milady, where are you headed off to?" Luca asked, butting in. "Once again, am I not allowed to wear a dress on my day off?" I asked, chuckling. He was about to say something but I cut him off. "Dining hall. Now. I made breakfast. Byeee" I said, skipping off, leaving them awestruck.

Now going back to Liberta, I walked to his room. I knocked on his door. After a few rustling sounds, the door opened revealing a shirtless Liberta with only a towel covering his other half (for all the fangirls out there hehehe). I'm guessing he just came out of the shower. "Dio mio! P-princess!! I-I.. wh-" He said, stuttering. "Chillax, kid. God. I came here to tell you that breakfast is ready so let's go" I said, chuckling.

Next stop is my cousin, Nova. I knocked on his door. After hearing a faint "come in", I went inside. I sat on his couch while he stares at me dumbfounded. After a while of staring, I finally got tired and went up to him. I close his mouth cause your know. Flies. "Close your mouth, hun. Wouldn't want to catch a fly would we?" I said smirking. "N-no. S-sorry, Princ-" I cut him off. "Feliza is fine" I said. "Feliza.. what brings you here?" He continued. "Oh. Breakfast is ready" I said smiling. "Oh and cut yourself some slack. Early morning paperwork is not healthy, dear" I said smiling sweetly, walking out.

Last but not the least is Pace. I walked in his room knowing that he must still be asleep. I walked to his side and poked him, trying to wake him to no avail. I decided to jump onto his bed, sitting on the opposite side. Then I saw some marker pens on his bed side. Light buuuulb!! Mwahahahaha I'm such an evil creature. I started to draw on his face. After I finished my art work I decided to finally wake him by slapping him. He finally sat up. "Fel?" He said, squinting at me, clearly can't see me without his glasses. I reached for his glasses and placed it on his face. "W-what are you doing here? How long have you been here?" He asked, blushing. I looked at my imaginary wrist watch. "About 10 years" I said, sarcastically. He just laughed, took off his glasses and laid down yet again. I slapped him again. "Hey, that hurt you know?" He said, chuckling while holding his cheek. "Don't sleep. Get up. Unless you want us to finish all the lasagna I made. Fine with me" I said, smiling 'sweetly'. He then shot up again. "You made lasagna??" He asked, holding both my shoulders. "Chill. Yes. I did now c'mon" I said, laughing a bit. He finally stood up. That's when I realized that he is in fact shirtless. Uhhm.. well.. didn't see that coming... "Wait there. I'll just take a shower. Don't leave without me pleeease" he pouted. Kind of cute of you ask me. "Yeah yeah. Just go" I said, shaking my head while chuckling. Seconds after he closed the bathroom door, he peaked out again. "You look gorgeous in that dress by the way. Not that you don't look good everyday. It's just different. You should wear it more often" he said, closing his door once again but not without winking.

I flopped down on his bed thinking about stuff. Ivan, I think I'm ready to give him a chance like you said. I'm ready to be happy again. With that, the wind blew outside shaking the trees.

I know you're there, Ivan. Thank you.

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