Suspicions & Unexpected Conversation

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Ivan's POV:

I'm currently going on patrols around the town cause why not? I'm still a part of the Famiglia. I still have the duties. I still can't get Feliza out of my head. I mean she's been acting strange lately. Which is weird considering the fact that it's very hard for her to be bothered that much. Meaning whatever's bothering her must be really serious. And I HAVE to find out.

My thoughts were interrupted by a person bumping on me. A blonde girl with pretty big boobs..? She's pretty but Feliza's a Goddess. I noticed that she dropped her stuff so being a gentleman I am, I helped her. We both stood up after we picked up her things. "Uhhm.. Thanks for helping me, Sir. Btw, I'm Cecilia" She said, reaching out her hand for a handshake. "Ivan. Nice to meet you" I said, smiling and shaking her hands. Her eyes went wide hearing my name. I wonder why..? Does it sound weird or smthin..? 

Cecilia's POV:

Ivan?? Ivan, as in Ivan Carriedo (see the reference?? see wut I did there?? hehehe xD), Feliza's husband?? Wooow... So he's Pace's rival.. Hmmm... Not bad... He's hot. But not as hot as Pace though. I mean, We all have different taste right..? But still, Now I know... Feliza's so lucky. Hot guys all over her? Damn girl.. Now I really want to meet her. She must be relly pretty. Considering the fact that two smexy guys are in love with her... Go- My thoughts were interrupted by a hand waving in front of my face. "Hello!! Earth to Cecilia!!" Ivan said, waving his hand in front of my face... Have I been spacing out again?? OMG so embarrassing..

"Uhhm.. Sorry.. Did I just space out?" I asked. "Yes. You're also staring at me" He said, laughing. OMG... "Really..?" I asked, blushing from embarrassment. He just laughed which resulted in me also laughing. We must look like crazy idiots. Our laughter soon ceased down. "So, What's in your mind..?" He asked. "Hmmm.. Do you know someone named Feliza?" I asked. He suddenly looked so dreamy. Confirmed. "Yea.. She's the prettiest goddess I've laid my eyes on. Shes's the best thing that's ever happened in my life. I don't even know how she became my wife.. I mean she's way too perfect. Then there came our angel.. You know-" I cut him off mid sentence. "Ok, dude I understand now" I said. "Hehehe.." He awkwardly laughed. "Why don't you tell me while we're walking to the shop I'm working at?" I said. He just nodded.

"So tell me about your family. They sound interesting." I said. "Well, Feliza, My wife. I guess you've heard enough about her." He said, sheepishly. "How'd you guys meet?" I asked. "Hmm.. You sure you wanna hear?" He asked. "No shit" I said. "First time I met her was my first day as a Famiglia. I was still a cadet then. She was my boss. I'm one of her cadets. We were in charge of the criminals. Like you know.. intelligence stuff, Dungeons. We were in charge of interrogations, imprisonment, you get the point. The first time I laid my eyes on her, I was already mesmerized by her beauty. Not just her beauty, but her attitude, The way she handles things. My fellow cadets even thought I was crazy cause she was really scary and intimidating but I guess you already know about that. I mean, She's known around the town as 'The Sadist Princess' Which pisses me off. Why don't people know her history first before they judge her..? Anyway, Long story short, I was the only one to see her sweet side. The one who was persistent enough to be her friend and eventually her husband. Not even her 'bestfriend' Pace. She's really sweet when you get to know her" He explained. Now I understand.. "She seems like a nice person" I said. Now I feel guilty for calling her a spawn of Satan.

"She's been acting weird lately though. She's been very jumpy lately" He said, looking down. " She's pregnant by the way" He added. "Bro, She's pregnant. That's normal for pregnant people." I said. "Yeah.. That must be the explanation" He said. "How far is she?" I asked. "A month" He replied. 

Ivan's POV:

After the conversation with Cecilia, I got ready to go home. So much for patrol around town. 

I was walking down the streets of Regalo when I noticed a guy watching me. In fact I noticed that he's been following me around the whole day. What could he want..? Must be a coincidence. But to be sure, I decided to follow him. But when he saw me walking towards him, he dashed away. Well that was weird..

What happened to your PROMISE??? (Arcana Famiglia)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon