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I was kinda irritated when the stranger bumped onto me so I decided to put my mask on. "Hey, watch it!" I seethed. I also realized that he's holding a familliar wallet. The wallet of the lady that sold me my guitar. "I see that you're holding a very interesting wallet. Can you tell me whom it belongs to?" I asked. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Probably scared or pitying the guy. "Wh-what are you saying?! Th-this is mine!" he insisted. "There! There's my wallet!" someone shouted from behind me. I saw Nova, Felicita, Liberta... and.. him. I turned my head towards the guy who's trying to run of course. I used my power on him a bit then stopped to give him a chance. The others watching intently. "I'm going to ask you again. Who. Owns. The. Wallet.?" I asked slowly inching towards him. He tried to stand but failed miserably. "I-I said its m-mine" he said. Damn how I hate liers. They never fail to irritate me. Again, I used my powers on him but this time, stronger and more painful. He screamed in agony. I heard people whispering things to each other. Probably insults about me but I don't care. I experienced a lot worse than that. "You know what I hate the most? LIERS. They never fail to annoy me" I sneered. "Sorella, stop!" Felicita shouted. "Stay out of this, kid" I said in return. "Just stop, Feliza!" those three words made me stop. Sure, Pace shouted at me multiple times but each of it pains me. I din't let them see me pained of course so I din't put down my mask. I sighed looking at the guy. "You're one lucky prey. But believe me, the next time I see you, It's not just that you're gonna recieve" I scowled turning my back to go when a hand suddenly held my arm. "Thank you, Ms. Feliza. I am forever grateful for your kindness" The owner said. I gotta admitt, I'm kinda flattered. "I don't need your your empty words. Just doing my job" with that, I turned away. "Feliza" I heard Pace call out. Probably to shout at me for my behavior towards the lady. Ok, don't turn around. They'll think you're weak. I kept on walking towards the manor, afraid that he might see my weak state.

What happened to your PROMISE??? (Arcana Famiglia)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя