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Pace's POV

I can't believe it... Feliza has her own family now.. and I'm not a part of it and it's all because of my idiocy.

I'm now here in my favorite restaurant. I don't feel like going on a patrol. I just feel empty and tired. My thoughts were interrupted by a girl who I'm guessing is the new waitress. "Hello, sir, may I take your order?" Said the girl. I studied her face for a minute before taking my order. "Uuhm.. Lasagna please" I answered. In fairness, she's pretty. Not as pretty as Feliza though. "Anything else?" She asked. I just shook my head no feeling tired and empty. I just stared out the window watching people do their thing.

Cecilia's POV

I was just cleaning the table when I heard the bell ring meaning there's a costumer. I looked up to the man that entered. Wow he's so handsome.. Wait shut up, Cecilia. You don't even know him.. But he looks kinda sad... I'll just get his order. Then maybe... I can talk to him later... 0///0

Ok. Act natural, Cecilia. "Hello, sir, may I take your order?" I asked sweetly. I don't know what I'm feeling. Mixed perhaps? Nervous? Happy? lol I don't know. He just looked at me for a minute causing me to blush. Do I smell or something? Omg.. why is he staring..? "Uuhm.. Lasagna please" He said. His voice.. so enchanting. "Anything else?" I asked. He just shook his head no.

I'm already finished with my shift and the guy's still there so I decided to just talk to him since he looked like he might want someone to talk to.

"Hello" I said sweetly. He turned his head to look at me. "Hi..?" He said. Ouch.. You can do this. "So.. you look like you need someone to talk to. Wanna spill?" I asked him. He just looked at me then finally sighed. "Fine..." He said, telling me me his story.

It's so sad... I kinda understand Feliza. She loved Pace but all he did was hurt her. Of course she also has to move on. But Pace... I feel sorry for him. If only he can look at me the same way he look at Feliza. Sigh... It's like the first time I saw him, I was already enchanted by him. Now that he opened up to me a bit, I feel like I just wanna wrap my arms around him and make him forget everything. But I know I can't. I know that I can never replace Feliza. Hell, this is just the first time we met and yet, I already like him... I AM IN SERIOUS TROUBLE...

What happened to your PROMISE??? (Arcana Famiglia)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora