Meeting the parents

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Feliza's POV

The walk to my parent's room was quiet. None of us saying a word. I, for one, am scared shitless. I mean, who wouldn't be? like I said, I was gone for 4 years then I come back with a family of my own..? Damn, how will they react? I mean, I already know Mrs. Sumire's. But MR. MONDO?? Especially with Ivan...

"Fel, you ok?" I was brought back to reality by Ivan. "Yeah. Don't worry just a bit scared is all" I said reassuringly squeezing his hand. "Trust me, I am as well" He said.

Ivan's POV

Who wouldn't be nervous? I am meeting my wife's parents for the first time, how'd you I'd feel? Daaaamn. I'm nervous as hell. Especially with Papa. The man's strong.. jeez. Sometimes I wonder if the man's in steroids or somthn... Just kidding.

"Soo.. uhhm we're here. Ya ready?" Feliza asked looking just as nervous as me. "Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be" I said, shaking bit. Hah. Ready as I'll ever be but why the fuck am I shaking?? Goddamnit. Tell me I'm not the only one who talks to myself when nervous.

Feliza's POV

whooo.. Here goes. I was about to knock when I hear two voices talking to each other. Voices who I presume to be Mr. Mondo and Mrs. Sumire.

"My own daughter hates me.. And it's all my fault..." Mrs. Sumire whispered. So now I feel guilty. I really want to forgive her. I really do but for some reason, I just can't bring myself to do it.

"Fel.." Ivan said bringing me into his arms. He probably sensed my distress. "Ivan, I'm such a bad daughter. I really want to forgive her, to forgive everyone. I just want to forget every hurtful words, everything... But for some reason, I can't bring myself to do it. It's like whenever I see them, everything flashes back" I cried in his arms. "No no.. You're not a bad daughter ok? It's normal to feel that way... Don't ever say you're a bad person. Me, Kyle, Jolly and many more thinks otherwise. You're the best thing that happened to me and nothing can change that" He said cupping my face.

You're the best thing that happened to me, Ivan. You picked me up when I fell. You helped me put the pieces of my heart together. I don't know what I'd do if you were to disappear.

I just nodded, smiling. "You ready?" Ivan asked, smiling sweetly down at me. "Yeah"

I knocked on the door softly. We heard a low "come in" from papa. No doubt in that. We looked at each other, smiling nervously I squeezed his hand softly. You can do this, Feliza

We opened the door and walk in only to see Mr. Mondo shocked and Mrs. Sumire crying. "Feliza, darling" Mrs. Sumire said walking towards us. "Feliza" Mr. Mondo's voice boomed which caused Ivan and I's body to tense.

"Mr. Mondo, Mrs. Sumire, meet my husband, Ivan" I said nervously on the inside. Jeezuz Christ... Just fuckin relax you motherfucker. RELAX. Mrs. Sumire regained her composure then looked at Ivan. "Mama, Papa" Ivan held his hand for mama to shake which she thankfully did. Things are going well with Mrs. Sumire. But Mr. Mondo... He looks like he can kill Ivan any minute now.

Ivan's POV

I think Mama's ok. But Papa.. I don't wanna die. At least not yet. I still have to see my upcoming baby. Just the thought of mine and Feliza's upcoming baby sent more confidence to me. "Ivan, sweetheart, can we talk in private. Also for Feliza to have some time with her father alone." Mama said, smiling. Now I'm scared.. I saw Feliza look at me nervously. I just smiled at her saying it's ok. Me and Mama walked out the door leaving a very nervous wife and a glaring father behind.

"Ivan, sweety, You're a good man, I can see that. The way you look at my baby. It's the same look Papa gave me when we were younger. Until now actually. I hope you stay that way till the end. I hope you make my daughter happy till the end" She said to me, on the verge of tears.. again.

"Of course, Mama. No need to be told. I don't know what I'd do without her. I fell hard for your daughter, Mama" I said sincerely. It's true. How many times have I said it in this story? I don't core and I'll say it again. I love her. She's the best thing that happened to me.

I saw Mama looking at me sadly. "Is something wrong, Mama?" I asked. She just shook her head sadly but still smiling. "I just realized how much of a bad mother I am. I really wish she'd forgive me. I know it's hard though so I'm not forcing her. I just want her to know that I love her so much. I she'll ever need a mother, I'm always here" She said sadly. I realized that she is a good mother. She just failed to see it.

Feliza's POV

I was left in the room with Mr. Mondo. Soo awkward. "I guess you haven't seen Kyle yet. Well, Kyle's our son. He's four years old. You're gunna meet him later. He's with Felicita and Luca right now" I said, breaking the deafening silence.

"Feliza, please do know that we are all sorry. Especially me. You are first daughter and I don't like to see you hurt. It's just that we were overwhelmed with having another daughter that we failed to notice you... I'm sorry" Mr. Mondo said. Damnit.. don't cry, Feliza. I just nodded cause I do not trust my voice right now.

The door then opened revealing Mrs. Sumire and Ivan. Mrs. Sumire looked less sad compared to before.

Mr. Mondo then motioned for Ivan. Omg what's gunna happen. I think Mr. Mondo noticed my expression since he just flashed me a reassuring smile.

"Ivan, yes?" Mr. Mondo asked. "Yes, sir" Ivan answered nervously. "I'm not saying much but hurt my daughter, I'm the one who's dealing with you" Mr. Mondo said sending shivers down our spines. "Mondo" Mrs. Sumire warned. "Yes sir. No need to be told, sir"


Dayum this is a bit long. So yeah. I still won't be able to update frequently though. Sorry. :****


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