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3rd person pov:
"Dad!" You screamed. You woke up from a dream. "I guess it was all a dream." You mumbled. Y/n went downstairs. "Папа..." You said quietly. Russia looked over you and asked "Y/n, what are you doing at 4am?" "I had a strange dream. Can I talk about it with you?" You said. "Sure, come sit here." Russia said. You sat on Russia's lap and he said "What was your dream about?" He asked.

"I was going outside the house, walking around the neighbourhood. Then I saw the ashy house of Martial Law and Philippines. Is it true that their volcano exploded?" You exclaimed. "Yes it's true. Your dad has been fighting with...someone, but I'm happy it stopped!" He said cheerfully. "That's why dad was gone." You said.

"Why was uncle Aussie crying about his burned forests?" You wondered. "His animals have died too. I've even heard that he got flooded. Oh, and don't go near Philippines she got sick." He exclaimed. "Why, isn't that rude?" You said whining. "I don't want you getting sick." He said protectively.

"Can you tell me how you and Dad met?" You said. "No. Go back to sleep." He said. "Pretty please?" You said giving him your best puppy dog eyes. Russia rolled his eyes playfully and giggled "Fine. Just don't tell Dad that you woke up early" "YAY!" You cheered.

Russia shushed you. "yay..." You said quietly. "So we both met at high school." Russia said. "What's a high school?" You asked. "A school where you're around your teens." Russia answered. "What a bummer." You said doing your cute pout. "I...was..." Russia paused for a moment and said "We started off as friends and then we started dating." "That's it? It's so short." You said.

"Why does granny (Britain) drink a lot of tea?" You asked him. "China sold her lots of tea, then she became addicted." Russia answered. "Just like Daddy (biological) when a man sold him some baby powder!" You exclaimed. "Yeah, this topic is getting too dark for you, мое дитя.

"Why does Grandpa's (France) food so yummy?" You asked Russia. "I don't know, why don't you ask him?" He suggested. "Why are you so tall?" Y/n asked. "Because of my dad who's tall как ебать." He responded. "You mean I have another grandpa?!" You said with your eyes sparkling. "Yes you do!"

"Why don't you smile that much? You only smile around Dad (Ame) and me". You said curiously. "It's weird to smile to different people." Russia said looking down. "Why? Do you fear being called ugly?" You said. Russia didn't respond for a while. "I'm sorry Папа."

"Cheer up! Dad will definitely call you handsome for smiling!" You said in an attempt to cheer Russia. Russia smiled. "That's my dad!" You said hugging him. Russia was speechless for a while until he hugged you back. He was humming a song while stroking your h/c hair.

The sun was rising down the horizon. Russia was about to get of the sofa when he heard your quiet snores. He sat down and gave you his ushanka. He continued stoking your hair while humming.

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