11-Story Time

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3rd person pov:

Y/n was looking out the window and it was cold outside. Poland was reading his newspaper while eating a bagel. It wasn't necessarily winter. It was a normal rainy day.

Y/n sighed from boredom. Y/n glanced at Poland. She noticed a book on the coffee table. Y/n got up from her seat and went to the coffee table. She stared at the book for a while.

"What does that say?" Y/n asked pointing to the book. Poland stopped reading his newspaper and ate all of the bagel. "Life." Poland answered Y/n's question.

"Can you read it for me?" Y/n asked enthusiastically. Poland smiled and then nodded. "Come sit here!" Poland said patting the couch. Y/n sat on the couch and then smiled at Poland.

"The once was a boy, who had loving neighbours and family." Poland stated. "What's the name of the boy?" Y/n asked tilting her head. "I don't know. It wasn't mentioned here, dziecko (kid)." Poland said.

"His family was very...unlucky. His family started getting involved in fights and drama. They frequently got robbed, a part of their home got destroyed all the time." Poland said sadly.

Y/n felt bad for the character in the story. "The boy's parents were always gone. He was all alone. But he enjoyed staying in the forest." Poland said with some positivity.

"The harassers couldn't find him in the forest. He played by himself or with the animals in the forest. He managed to befriend someone. But the boy and his friend started getting more distant." Poland said in a sad manner.

"The main character must be a good hider. Right?" Y/n said in an impressed tone. Poland just smiled and continued. "He did well at school. Everyone knew his family was getting harassed. His classmates gave him sympathy." Poland said with a sad smile.

"The boy was polite to his classmates and teachers. But..." Poland paused. "A...tragic event happened that had a big impact on him." Poland said trying not to cry.

"Oh no! What happened!" Y/n asked worriedly. "His family got shot. He was sent to foster care. He stayed there for 1 year until a gay couple adopted him." Poland said looking away.

"The couple had sons and daughters from previous marriages." Poland stated. "How did they get children?" Y/n asked confused. Poland started sweating nervously. Poland didn't want to ruin Y/n's innocence just yet.

So he just said "When they did not get married. They a-asked from the...um...B-baby Spirit!" Poland stuttered. Y/n felt something suspicious but she shrugged it off.

"The couple and their children treated him like their own. After some time, the couple started showing their true colours to the boy. As if they regretted adopting him." Poland said angrily.

"They favoured their own children . As if the boy wasn't there. As if... it was a lie. They started abusing the boy but not in front of their own kids." Poland whimpered.

'Mommy and Daddy hurt me even in front of my sister.' Y/n thought to herself. "He was getting yelled at every day. His 'siblings' did not intervene nor were they aware of what's happening." Poland stated in a sad tone.

Y/n heard something outside and decided to check it out. Poland was about to have some tears roll down his cheeks. 'Nie!  Nie płacz Polska.  To tylko pokazuje, że jesteś słaby.'(No! Don't cry Poland. It just shows that you're weak.) Poland thought, wiping his tears.

Y/n just came back from outside and sat back on the couch. "Can you continue the story?" Y/n asked. "One of the men invited his father over. Unfortunately he was abused by his 'grandpa.'" Poland continued.

"After a while someone saved him! Not...exactly save him, more like stop the war. His 'parents' started fighting, bringing their children into the fight." Poland said.

Y/n's e/c eyes widened. "One of them had enough and both of them started hurting eachother and their children. The kids including the boy were not given food to eat." Poland stated.

"Out of all the children, the boy had been affected the most. One day he heard some good news! His fathers both got divorced! One got into prison but one kept him and his 'siblings', they had someone new in the family too." Poland said dissapointedly.

"It's sad that one of his 'siblings' went into a foster home. He was only one who was aware of what was going on with the boy and his 'parents'. Poland said with a sad smile.

Y/n let out a sigh of relief. "When his siblings had enough, they fought their way to end the abuse. But the man changed, he stopped abusing him and his fellow siblings." Poland said happily.

"The thing was... their father failed to provide them basic needs. They all grew up. The boy managed to find a better life. He develpoed better relationships with his 'siblings'. Poland said happily.

"It's very ironic that the person who used to abuse him started getting abused aswell. The boy decided to let them keep their problems to themselves." Poland said proudly.

"The End!" Poland said closing the book. "Wow! The boy is so strong! And his abuser deserve what they got!" Y/n said angrily. "At least you enjoyed the story!" Poland giggled.

"Yay! It's not raining anymore!" Y/n said heading out the door. Poland just smiled. He looked back at the book and thought 'Bogu dziękuję za te doświadczenia, bo mnie wzmocniły.' (I thank god for these experiences for they made me stronger.)

Y/n did not know that Poland read his diary to her. He lied about the title of the book. He learned how to forget. It was the best way to move on, in his opinion. Poland did feel a little happy.

"Uncle Poland! Come and let's play on the puddles!" Y/n yelled from the front yard. "Coming!" Poland said going out.

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