1-How you met

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3rd person pov:
Y/n was born into an abusive family. Her mom is an alcoholic. Her dad is a drug-addict. Y/n had a wonderful older sister who protected and loved her. It's unfortunate that her sister ran away on her 4th birthday. Y/n's family has no money and they use her to buy their stuff. Y/n was like their maid. She did all the dirty work. Her parents sent her to kindergarten which is a good thing. Y/n was never bullied at kindergarten. Y/n was mostly ignored there. I wonder what surprises will happen on this Friday night.

Y/n pov:
'I'm in the kitchen, washing mom's wine glasses. At least dad isn't here. I'd rather wash mom's cups, than smell dad's cigarettes.'I thought to yourself, when mom called me. "Y/n can you buy me some wine?". "Mom, can you come with me? It's almost nighttime." I responded in a scared manner. "No! Unless you want to be locked in the closet again!" Mommy threatened. "Okay, okay, I'll go." I said, fearing for my life. "Good" mom said. I went to the liquor store in the city. Only to see that it was closed. 'What am I gonna do? Mom will still lock me in the closet!.'I thought in a panic. 'I know I'll look for some at the bar!' I went to the bar. "Minors are not allowed." 'Now what? I'll just go home and face the consequences.' I went home prepared for the punishment. I arrived to mommy and daddy fighting again. I got sick and tired of this and I just screamed to get their attention. "What do you want, little shit?!" Dad yelled. I responded with "I'm sick and tired of you bastards fighting!" "Oh so you want to be the hero now?" Mom responded. "Why can't we just be happy? I want us to be like other families." I yelled with tears in my eyes. "Oh shut up, bitch!" Mom said while throwing her wine bottle. I ran and bumped into her wine glass collection. "You slut! I'll make you pay!" Mom said in an angry and drunk manner. I ran and tripped on the T.V. socket, dragging the T.V. down. 'Great I have 2 idiots running after me.' I got up and ran to the door. I ran further with my parents screaming profanities at me. I ran to where my little legs can bring me to. I decided to stop at an alley. I was tired, hungry, and dirty. I fell asleep. Until I felt like being sucked into oblivion.

3rd person pov:
While Y/n fell into a slumber, a portal appeared below her. Y/n didn't wake up because she didn't sleep for days. Y/n shrugged the feeling off, thinking that she was being brought into the fairy tale world.

Russia's pov:
I was just enjoying my time with my boyfriend, America. We were laying down in the forest grass, watching the stars, cuddling. America and I have always wanted a child since we started dating. I really wish that our prayers will be answered.
I saw something weird on the sky. I decided to wake America. "America, babe wake up." I said. "What's wrong hun?" America said rubbing his beautiful eyes. I pointed to the sky. "Eh, it's just your imagination, hun. I'll go back to sleep." America said tiredly. "Oh, okay" I said. I think I must be dreaming because it's midnight. I went to sleep, until I felt something heavy fell in my legs.

America's pov:
I felt something heavy on my legs. I decided to get up. When I got up I saw a malnourished child with (h/l), (h/c) hair. She had some bruises and scars. "Russ, we need to go bring her to the hospital" I said concerned. Russia nodded. We drove  to the nearest hospital. While waiting for the results I asked Russia "How can a human child be here?" "At least we didn't leave or else she would even have broken bones too. Russia responded. "We need to introduce her to everyone." I said. "You can come in now." The nurse said. We went inside and saw the girl confused on how she ended up here in the hospital bed. "Привет!" (Hello) Russia said. The girl got scared, probably because of Russia's appearance.

Y/n pov:
I woke up in a hospital bed, wondering how I got here. Until I saw 2 people with flags for faces. The short one has 50 stars and red and white stripes on his face. The tall one gave me a scary feeling. He had white,blue, and red horizontal stripes. He also had a fluffy looking hat. The tall one said "priviet" I didn't know what that meant. I just trembled in fear. The two people looked at each other and the tall one went up to me and said "Don't be scared. I'm a nice person." I didn't respond. "Can you tell me what your name is? Mine is Russia." He said in calm tone. "My name is Y/n!" I replied. Russia said "That's a nice name!" A lady appeared and said "You can bring her home. Be sure to follow the prescription." "Thanks, we will!" The short one said. "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! The name is America!"

America's pov:
"Ready to go home?" Russia said enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, yes!" Y/n replied. Gosh she's so cute. I thought to myself. Russia carried her and we walked to the car. We decided to stay in mom's place. When we arrived, she was surprised on how clean the yard is. "Is this your house?" Y/n asked curiously. Russia responded "It's America's family house." We got off the car. When we went inside mom asked (Britain will be a girl for this fanfic) "Who's that human child hiding behind Russia?" "It's a serious topic..." America responded with concerned tone. "Russia, why don't you go play with the child in the garden?" Mom said. Russia nodded and said to Y/n "let's go play in the garden?" Y/n just nodded then followed him. "Have a seat, son."

Britain's pov:
"How did she get here?" I asked to America. "She just fell down from the sky and landed on our legs." America responded. "Did you ask how she got here?" "No" "We noticed that she had scars, bruises, and dirty clothes." America said in a sad tone. "That poor thing! I wonder how she survived that fall?" I said concerned. "We decided that we should introduce her to everyone." America said. "I guess we can do that tomorrow."

1094 words
This is my 1st time writing a story. Feel free to correct any typos. ❤️


Update: I came back from the grave. But please do not get angry over a ship, I wrote this book like 2 years ago and you guys are shitting over a ship? How immature really. 'Why did you choose RusAme? You know it's toxic and abusive.' I chose that ship because when I was new in the CH fandom, I observed that RusAme was popular in my opinion so that's why I decided to write it. I was young and dumb and didn't have a good understanding about relationships and I apologise for that. I could only leave this book as a reminder of my beginnings as a fanfiction writer. And the reason why I decided to write this CH x Child!reader book was because of the lack of CH x child!reader fanfic before. I am glad that I inspired some to write their own stories. I am no longer a fan of CH because I grew out of it. Thank you for reading this book and for the support.

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